Status: Completed :) See Sequel

It All Started With A Kiss

Chapter 14

"How are we going to get that ass back here?" Angelica said as she was walking around the room.

Joe was laying down with his head in my lap. He looked at me the whole time. Nick and Kevin were just being quiet. Izzy was sitting on the floor and kept moving. Then out of no where Angelica said "I GOT IT!! Liz, did anything about me in the letter?"

I thought back to letter. "Yeah he did. He said you were hot."

Nick stood up and said "I'm going to murder his ass."

We looked at Nick with surprised eyes. Nick never was the type to say stuff like that. Angelica walked over to him and said "Don't worry about it Nicky."

She kissed him on the lips and he smiled when she pulled away. "Well I think I know how to get him over here. First, Liz do you have his number?"

I shook my head yes and she continued. "Give me your phone."

I handed her my phone and she said "What's his number?"

I told her his number and she said into the phone:

"Hey Josh."..."Hey I heard what you did to Liz"..."I want it too."..."Come here by 4:00 pm."..."See ya later."

She hung up and said "OK then. Everything is ready to go."

We all looked at her with a confused face. She smiled and said "He is going to come over here thinking I want to have "it" with him, when I don't. Then he comes up to me, y'all come out and beat the shit out of him."

I grinned and we all shook our heads in agreement.

FF TO 4:00 ----->
At 4:00 there was a knock on the door. We all ran and hid in a closet or somewhere else. Angelica opened the door and let Josh in. He smiled and said "Hey hottie. I am so happy you came to your senses and dumped that ass Nick."

She weakly smiled and said "Yeah me too."

Then out of no where Josh pushed her to the wall and tried to kiss her. She pushed him away and said seriously "I don't think you should do that."

He smirked and said "Why not? No one is here to help you. Now come here."

He tried to grab her but she punched him in the chest instead. Oh did I not mention that she can hurt you easily? Must have slipped my mind. Anyway he came at her and she knee him the "area". He fell to the floor and she said "Now for your entertainment."

She walked away and Nick came out of his hiding spot. He came up to him and said "This is for Liz."

He kicked him in his ass and then said "And this is for my girlfriend."

He punched him in his eye. He walked up to Angelica and whispered in her ear "I love you."

She blushed and they both walked away. Josh stood up going to the door but Kevin grabbed him and said "Sorry wrong way."

He pushed him to Izzy and she stuck out her arm making him smack right into it and he fell to the floor. She said to Josh "Just because I have a baby in the oven, doesn't mean I still can't kick your ass."

She kicked him in his side and walked away with Kevin by her. Now it is my time, I walked out and he smiled and said "Hey Liz . what's up?"

I shook my head and said "No time for that. Josh how could you?!"

I grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him to the wall. He looked at me and said "I'm sorry. but when you broke up with me, I got mad and...and..."

I smiled and said "I thought you were my friend but I now see the real you. And the real you can burn in hell with your mother. I hate you. Go burn in hell you mother fucker"

I dropped him and walked away. Joe came out and hugged me really tight and I began to cry in his chest. Kevin came back and grabbed Josh by his shoulders and said "Time for me to take out the trash."

And with that he pushed him out the door. Everyone came to me and gave me a hug. I walked up to my room and got changed. Joe walked in as soon as I was done getting dressed. After that he closed the door and locked it.
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there is only 3 more chapters :(