Status: Completed :) See Sequel

It All Started With A Kiss

Chapter 16

FF 1 MONTH --->
Today Izzy and Kevin get married!! I am so happy for them. They are so cute together.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Kevin and Izzy smiled and then kissed each other. Everyone clapped and cheered. Kinda weird for a wedding but who cares right? I don't know why but Joe has been acting different this week. I don't know why but he like grabs my ass out of no where and kiss my neck all the time and makes sexual comments. I guess you could say he was acting...horny?

I am not sure if it that or something else. We were all at the dinner place and some people were dancing and others...I have no clue what. Then Joe came up to the middle of dance floor and everyone went back to their tables. He said into a mic "Hello everyone. I would like to say that I am happy that Kevin and Izzy got married. I hope they have a wonderful life together. Now what I came up here for. Liz come here for a second."

I got up and walked over to where he was. "Now Liz you know how much I love you right?"

I shook my head yes and he then said "Well remember I promised to be with you forever? Well I do mean it."

I looked at him and said "What are you trying to say?"

He smiled and looked me in the eyes and said "All I am trying to say is....Elizabeth Emily Smet, will you marry me?"

He got down on one knee and opened to the box with the most beautiful ring.


Nick, Angelica, Izzy, and Kevin stood up and leaned other tables and said "Say YES!!"

I smiled and said to Joe "I would love to be with you forever."

He looked up at me and jumped up and grabbed me and put the "rock" on my finger. He then kissed my hand.