Status: Completed :) See Sequel

It All Started With A Kiss

Chapter 7

I woke up in Joe's arms. He was sleeping peacefully. I smiled and tried to get up but he had a tight grip around me. I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't wake up. So I thought of the first thing that would wake him up, I kissed him. And wouldn't you know he woke up."Good morning King Joe."

He smiled at me and kissed my forehead and said "Morning. Did you have fun last night?"

I shook my head yes and said "I had a good time. You?"

He rubbed his eyes and said "Wonderful...wonderful time."

I smiled and said "Can you let go of me so I can get dressed?"

He smirked at me and said " Stay in my arm forever."

I grinned and replied " is the day we go shopping for dresses and stuff for the wedding."

He looked at me confused."They are starting today? They are not even getting married untill...3 months from now."

I shrugged and said "Maybe they want to start early."

He let go of me and I got dressed. I wore this:

I love those heels. I can actually walk around in heels without whining. I don't know why though. When I went downstairs everyone was there, even Joe. They were all sitting on the couch or the floor. Kevin and Izzy were facing them. I sat down next to Joe and he whispered in my ear "What took you so long? Oh by the way, you look hot."

I blushed and Kevin said "Everyone please listen. Me and Izzy would like to tell you something. Go ahead Izzy."

She smiled at Kevin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Everyone must know this by now that me and Kevin are getting married so I have something even more important. I'm...pregnant!!"


I ran up to her and gave her a hug. So did Denise, Angelica, Nick, Joe,and Paul (Mr.Jonas). "My gosh Izzy. I am so happy for you."

She told me and Angelica to go up stairs and we did. She smiled at us and said "Guess what? Do you guys want to see the ring he got me?"

Me and Angelica shook our heads and she went to her dresser and pulled out a small box. This is what the ring looked like:

I was shocked. I mean look at it! It is...there isn't even word to describe it!