Status: Completed :) See Sequel

It All Started With A Kiss

Chapter 9

While me and Joe were walking around the mall to find the others, well we found them, at the one wedding store in the whole mall. And to think the mall is pretty big, it would at least have more then one wedding store. We walked in and saw them. Angelica ran up to me and Joe along with Nick and she said "Where have you two been? One minute you were with us and the next you guys were gone."

Nick shook his head in agreement and I said "We where at Hot Topic and Joe got me this for our anniversary."

I showed them the stuffed animal and Angelica said "Aww that is so cute."

Joe wrapped his hands around my waist and said "Liz, I have to go talk to Kevin. Be right back."

He kissed my cheek and walked away.

I went up to Kevin who was looking at this dress and I said "You gonna try it on?"

He turned to me and said "Shut up Joe. By the way, where have you been?"

I shrugged and said "Places."

And he then said "Awkward."

I chucked and said "I have to ask you something."

He shook his head. "Sure what's up?"

Then I continued "Well, you see today is my anniversary with Liz and I got her a gift at Hot Topic and then I asked her if she got me anything and she said it's at home."

Kevin eyes widen and they went back to normal size."Well um...if I heard correctly...she is going to know, give you love. Well have fun. Got to go."

Then he walked away. Holy shit, I'm screwed.

I was just talking to Angelica when Denise asked me to come over to where she was. We both went over and Denise said "Could you please Izzy out of the dressing room. She says she looks fat in the dress."

Angelica went up to the door and said "Izzy, why do you think your fat in the dress?"

Then Izzy said "Cause I do. I am not coming out."

Angelica rolled her eyes and said "Izzy, we are not going to judge you and all want to know what you look like. Please come out."

Izzy sighed and said "Fine. But if any of you laugh or what ever, I will kill you all."

Angelica walked away from the door and mouthed "Victory is mine."

Izzy slowly opened the door. We all looked up to see this: (just to let you know, this is what Izzy looked like in the dress)

Kevin went up to Izzy and said "Wow Izzy, you look, beautiful."

She smile and kissed Kevin on the lips. Izzy came up to me and Angelica and said "You two go find the brides maid dresses. OK?"

We both shook our heads yes and then we ran over to brides-maid area. We couldn't decide on the same dress so we just picked two different dress. We called everyone to come over to the dressing-rooms. When they did we came out and said "What do think of these?"

Nick and Joe eyes widen and their mouths dropped open. We both giggled and then Denise said "You two look ravishing."

We smiled and then said "Thank you Denise."

Joe came up to me and Nick came up to Angelica and they both said "You look hot."

Angelica went to Nick and kissed him on the lips. And then Joe came up to me and kissed me, well more made-out. He slipped his tongue into my mouth. You got to love him.