‹ Prequel: Fake Girlfriend
Status: Inactive: Check out my journal entry for details

Caught Under the Mistletoe

I Love You, Always

John let out a long breath in the brisk winter air as he walked up to the familiar house. He scratched his head, very reluctant to go up to the door. However, Delilah needed him right now, and he was going to have to do this eventually. Slowly, he walked up the porch stairs and knocked at the door. The longest minute of his life passed as he waited for someone to answer. He tapped his foot nervously, biting his lip.

Delilah’s mother, Mrs. Poppers, answered the door with a warm smile. She truly looked like an older version of Delilah. Light brown wavy hair with cheek bones that rose up until their hazel eyes were squinted, almost closed, when she smiled or laughed-- Delilah was definitely her spitting image, and John had pointed this out many times before. She seemed a little surprised to see her daughter’s boyfriend at the door. After all, it was Christmas, and John should have been with his own family. She didn’t know yet that John was to become somewhat a part of this family, too, whether the Poppers approved or not. Hence, why he was here in the first place.

“John, what a surprise!” she said. She sounded a lot like Delilah, too

John mustered a smile. “Hi, Mrs. Poppers. I hope I’m not intruding. Delilah was expecting me,” he explained, trying not to let his nervousness seep into his voice.

Delilah popped up behind her mother with her funny little grin. “Hey, John!” she said, moving passed her mom to hug her boyfriend.

Delilah always made John more relaxed in the smallest ways. Just holding her in his arms was enough to brush off most of his anxiety. Had it not been for her mother watching the two, still slightly confused as to why he was here, John would have probably not let go of her as soon as he did. However, he did, and Delilah looked up at him with a smile, kissed his cheek, and whispered into his ear as she did so. “Thank you,” she said.

John smiled lovingly back at her, as to say “You’re welcome.”

“Delilah,” Mrs. Poppers said. “Did you call John over?”

Delilah turned to her mother and nodded. “Yes,” she answered, taking John’s hand. “There’s something… we need to say.”

Her mother frowned. “Oh?”

Delilah had a brave, happy face on, but she squeezed John’s hand tightly, telling him that her feelings on the inside were much different than what she was showing. John squeezed back, intertwining his fingers with hers. “Yeah, but we should go inside with the rest of the family. It’s kind of important.”

Now, her mother seemed curious. “Of course, come on in, John,” she said.

Delilah led John by the hand into the family room where Delilah’s grandparents and father sat in front of their rather large Christmas tree. All the presents under it had been unwrapped, and the wrapping paper had been cleaned up and thrown away. And when the family noticed John, all eyes were on him and Delilah.

“Ah, John,” Mr. Poppers said from his seat on the couch. “Good to see you.”

John nodded. “You too, Mr. Popper.” He looked at Delilah’s grandparents from her mother’s side. “It’s nice to see you as well, Mr. and Mrs. Flynn,” he said courteously.

Mrs. Flynn cackled in her nice elderly way. “John, you’re as charming as ever,” she said.

Mr. Flynn, the typical grumpy old man, just humpf’d.

Mrs. Poppers sat down next to her husband and looked up at the couple expectantly. “So, what was it that you two needed to tell us?” she asked.

Delilah swallowed and gripped John’s hand tightly again. She tried to form words, but they wouldn’t come out, and embarrassed, she turned her gaze to the floor—away from her family’s eyes. John looked down at his girlfriend, concerned. He knew she was afraid that her family would hate her after the secret was out. She was always one of those people who confided in her family’s approval, and John knew this was extremely hard for her. He let go of her hand, and instead he put a comforting arm around her shoulder. He let out a breath, feeling obliged to be brave for his girlfriend.

“There really isn’t any easy way to say this,” he admitted. Delilah still did not look up, but her family watched John, waiting for him to say what was on the two of their minds. “So I suppose I just have to say it.” He shut his eyes for a moment and let out another breath. There was really no way these next words were going to sound good in anyway, so he was forced to just come out with it and accept whatever reaction the family had. “Delilah is—“

“I’m pregnant,” Delilah said quickly, suddenly becoming brave and looking at her parents. “John’s the father, and I won’t get an abortion.” She sighed, relieved to finally say it out loud.

The entire family’s eyes widened in absolute shock. Mr. Poppers even seemed a little angry, and Mrs. Flynn just about fainted with the shock. John’s grip on Delilah tightened. He desperately wanted her to know that no matter what, he was here supporting her, but even so, he could hardly say he didn’t think that her family would come around eventually—if not right away.

Mrs. Poppers was in completely taken aback. “Wha…t?” she said, as if she hadn’t heard correctly.

“I’m pregnant, Ma,” Delilah repeated quietly. “But, I should be done with school before the baby is born, so don’t worry that I won’t finish school, and John has told his family. They’ve offered to help out financially and with babysitting when we need it until John finishes college and gets a job, and—“

“Delilah… I can’t believe this…” Mr. Poppers said, his face slightly red in anger.

John bowed his head slightly. “Please don’t be too harsh on Delilah,” I begged. “This isn’t solely her fault. I take responsibility, too.”

Mr. Poppers stood and walked up to John, glaring. “Responsibility isn’t enough, John,” he said, his anger building. “Raising a kid isn’t a piece of cake. It’s much harder than you could possibly imagine. And raising a kid when you’re still one yourself…”

John bit his lip and nodded. “I understand your anger, but trust me, I will do my absolute best. I cannot promise perfection, but I can promise that there is nothingI wouldn’t do for Delilah and… our child.” Our child, he thought. He had never used those words before, and they felt strange and foreign, but he stood firm in front of Delilah’s father.

He glared for a moment longer then sighed. Mrs. Poppers came up next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Delilah’s grandparents just stayed where they were seated shocked and silent. “John,” Mrs. Poppers said. “I’ve always admired the way you always know what to say. Even now, at such a stressful time for you, you spoke your feelings clearly.” She smiled meekly. “I, on the other hand, don’t know what to say besides that though this is hard to accept, I’ll accept it, and I want you to know that no matter what, we are here for you two. You will always have plenty of people to lean on.”

John smiled relieved, and his grip on Delilah loosened. She looked up and smiled, too. “Thank you,” he said.


A little later, Delilah and John on the snowy bench in the backyard alone. John, once again, had his arm tightly around his girlfriend, and she leaned comfortably against him. “John, I can’t ever thank you enough for doing this,” she said.

John smiled and kissed the top of her head affectionately. “How could I not?”

Delilah looked up at him, frowning slightly. “I was just afraid you’d back down.”

John frowned back. “Back down?” he repeated. He gave her a serious look. “Delilah, as long as you want me around and need me, I will never back down, you hear? If you need help with anything, all you’d ever need to do is ask.” He smiled. “Because we’re a family, now. And that’s what they do.” He took something from his pocket and raised it above his and Delilah’s heads. Mistletoe. He winked.

Delilah developed an affectionate twinkle to her eye. “My mom’s right. You do always know what to say,” she said.

“Do I?” John said with a chuckle.

Delilah pecked her boyfriend on the lips. “I love you,” she said.

John kissed her back. “I love you, too.” He smirked. “Both of you,” he added, somewhat humorously—the first time either of them had had humor when it came to Delilah’s pregnancy. “Always.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't think was the most interesting Christmas story. Personally, I think the more interesting ones are to come ;D Just a head up. :P

Anyways! I missed you guys! I really hope all my subscribers continue to read my stories (even though I'm almost positive that half of my subscribers have been inactive for a while.... but oh well). But while we're on that topic....

I might be leaving Mibba. :/

Yes, you've heard right. Most likely, I'll finish up the special here to make sure you all get this message, and then pack it up and transfer all my stuff to Wattpad. So, the sequel will most likely only be posted on that site. For more information, check out the journal I posted on the subject--> Here. I love you guys no matter what, though! <3

Please let me know what you think on the story, so far. It shouldn't be too long til the next chapter. :)

NEXT UP: Kyle's Christmas. :3