Status: Active!!! Updates.....whenever i feel like it biches lol xD

Do You Wanna Touch Me There?

I'm As Free As My Hair

[Gerard POV]

“Babe I think it’s time for another shower.” I say running my hands through Frank’s hair while we lay in bed after our…hell I can’t even think of another word for it, we had sex.

If you couldn’t tell, we’re cuddling in my bed all sweaty and shizz.

“But I’m tiiiiiiredddd!” he whines pouting a little.

I giggle at his cuteness and kiss his pouty lips.

“Fine, but we have to take one later.” He smiles in triumph and I kiss him again.

After I pull away he lays his head back on my chest and we continue in silence. I start to run my fingers through his hair again, the ebony locks sliding through my fingers.

“I think it’s time for a cut.” He says tiredly.
“Awww why? I happen to like it long…gives me something to hold on to.” I say finishing with a smirk.

“Well I’m starting to look like a girl.” He says with a giggle.

“Well you make one se-”
I don’t even get to finish my sentence seeing as how Mikey decides now would be the perfect opportunity to enter my room. Where Frank and I are. Fully naked.

“Hey Gee? Mom says- JESUS CHRIST! PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON! MY EYES!” he yells bolting back up the stairs.

Frank and I start laughing uncontrollably.

“I guess that’s our cue to get up.” Frank says sighing.

“I guess so.” I say neither of us making a move to get up.

I run a hand through my slightly matted greasy hair and get an idea.

“Hey Frank?”

“Hmmm?” he answers lazily.

“What do you think if I went red? Like a firetruck red?” I say.

“Huh?” he asks genuinely confused.

“I’m talking about my hair.”

“Ooooooh! Well I personally think you can do whaterver you want and still be sexy, but then again I’m pretty biased.” He replies.

I giggle and kiss the top of his head.

“I think I’m gonna do it.”

[Time Lapse (just cuz I feel like it) (>^_^)>]

Frank and I finally make our trek up the stairs, him on my back, after about three hours. I managed to find some red hair dye and leftover bleach from my blonde days. Don’t ask why I had the red…

“Finally! Does it really ta-? Holy fuck! What the hell Gerard?!” Mikey exclaims once we get to the top of the stairs.

“What I decided I wanted a change.” I say letting Frank down. Biting my lip in worry iask, “Does it really look that bad?”

“No it’s not bad it’s just different.” He answers lamely as Frank head off to the kitchen.

“Well that was the plan.” I answer sarcastically. “oh yeah and why did you come in my room earlier?”

His face pales at the reminder and he clears his throat a couple of time before awkwardly answering.

“Er…Mom and Dad are coming home early from their trip. They expect us to have a erm..’family’ dinner together and they told me to make sure that you’re there.”

I roll my eyes in annoyance. I hate freakin dinners with my parents, it would be better if it wasn’t just me and Mikey. Well duh!

“Hey Frank?”I yell towards the kitchen.

He sticks his head around the corner, his mouth semi-full of food. I shake my head at his chipmunk like appearance and laugh.

“You wanna stay for dinner tonight?”

“Sure.” He replies swallowing, “I mean I already know your parents so this shouldn’t be that awful.”

“I hope so.” I say exchanging a glance with Mikey.
♠ ♠ ♠
im sorry....? well you cant exactly be mad at me i mean it did end with TWO sexy chapters! plus my other story is close to the end so there have been frantic updates on that one and we're gonna start the sequel soon so i've been a little preoccupied *shrugs*. i also kinda may have had a little writers block for this story (and i got grounded *sheepish smile*) :\ im not completely over it but i felt you guys neede something reminding you that this is still alive! so here it is anyways on to the part of my a/n you really care about
QOTD: Didya miss me? :D cuz i really missed you guys ok so the real question is : If you were a Pokemon, which one would you be? i'd probably be Squirtle or Jigglypuff they're both sooo cute :3
so my story of the day is Saturday Detention by XrayPineapple
its really phenomenal, she updates everyday AND there's Girl!Ray and Girl!Mikey plus Rae+Bob and Frerard, and Waycest and Mikey+Patrick [Stump] you should check it out :3 (did i mention i had the most page claims on that story :3 im proud :,D)
oh and on further investigation someone said the whole Frank in drag thing was real cuz of the man hands but idk some chicks *cough*me*cough* have man hands *shrug*
anywhoooo funneh thing of the day!!
lolol xD "Bitches love art" xDDDD
shoutouts <3~
Dear? Drop Dead
you guys' comments had me laughing like allllll day xD
song of the chapter is Hair by Lady Gaga i freaking love this song right now it just fits my whole parents don't understand mood along with Fight For Your Right by Beastie Boys
soo im dead ass tired and this is what you get night bitches xD <3 ~Shyv
{this is really long o.o}
last minute edit~ im thinking of starting a new Frerard where Gee is Death and Frank is the narrator from Eimily Dickinsons Poem 'Because I Could Not Stop For Death' whatchu think??? o.O