Status: Active!!! Updates.....whenever i feel like it biches lol xD

Do You Wanna Touch Me There?

Don't Be Scared At All, Put Your Trust In Me

[Franks POV]

My stomach is tied in knots and I’m hoping I don’t do something stupid tonight in front of Gee parents. I mean I’ve already met them, but never as his boyfriend.

I wonder why they’re coming back so early anyway. I mean they were supposed to be gone for months. Unless it has been months and I just haven’t realized.

I look at my phone screen to check the time for the fifteenth time since Gerard asked me to stay. Except this time I check the date as well. October seventeenth.

I guess it’s been longer than I thought. I facepalm and Gerard and Mikey both look my way from their seats on either side of me.

“I totally lost track of time! Halloween is like soo close and since I waited so long I might end up being Frankenstein again.” I groan remembering the failed Halloween full of jokes about Frank.

“Well maybe somebody has something.” Gee says sounding more like he’s asking me rather than telling me, “And how’d you forget anyway? It’s kind of your birthday.”

I shrug and continue my nervous assault on the remote, flipping through the channels mindlessly. Until I happen to find a channel showing The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I squeal and bounce in my seat a little.

“Really Frank?” Mikey asks dryly looking unamused.

“Yeah! It’s like the best movie of all time!” I say incredulously.

Lets do the Time Warp agaaaaaaiiiiiinnnn!
Lets do the Time Warp agaaaaaaiiiiiinnnn!
I’ts just a jump to the left,
Then a hop to the right

At this point Gee and I are standing doing the Time Warp as Mikey looks on horrified. I laugh a little enjoying myself fully.

Put you hand on your hips,
And bend you knees inside.
An do the pelvic thrust.

Then at the precise moment that we are doing the pelvic thrust , Mr. and Mrs. Way decide to make their grand appearance in the living room.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Mr. Way asks seeming very upset. “What have I told you two about watching and partaking in this foolishness?”

“Oh Donald, calm down! Let the kids have their fun.” Mrs. Way says cheerily, “Hi, boys. Hello
Frank it’s nice to see you again, you look a little thin. Have you been eating right?”

I giggle a little knowing that she already knows the answer, with all the time I’ve been spending with Gee or worrying about him I haven’t really eaten except for a snack here or there.

“I’m fine Mrs. Way, how are you? How was Japan?” I ask her giving her a hug.

“I’d be amazing if you’d stop calling me Mrs. Way and started calling me Donna.” She cracks and laughs, “It was amazing! The food was amazing and there’s so much cultural mixing there. But I couldn’t help but miss my boys while I was there.”

She opens up her arms to Gerard and Mikey engulfing them in a hug.

“I missed you mommy!” Gee yells excitedly, his father rolling his eyes unamusedly.

“Gerard! How many times have I asked you to act more masculine? You’re supposed to be setting an example for Mikey!” he yells.

I flinch away from his words, I’ve never actually seen Mr. Way like this before. Probably because Mikey and Gee never invited me over when their dad was home. Come to think about it, this is only the third time I have met him since we’ve been friends.

“I’m sorry dad.” Gerard says, his words cold and detached, as he shies away from his mom.

“Now Don, we just got home can I at least enjoy some time with my sons?” she asks sharply clutching Gee closer to her side, as if she’s afraid to let him go.

It seems as if everyone has forgotten I’m here, so I inch over to Gee and grab his hand squeezing it. He squeezes mine back giving me a small smile, some more life coming into his sad face. He notices his father looking in our direction, his face frowned up.

“Mom and Day I have something to tell you guys.” He says squeezing my hand tighter out of nervousness. “I’m gay…and Frank is my boyfriend.” He states proudly.

Oh. Shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry :\ i got grounded and i have exams right now and it's been a mess but it'll get better....soon :s
so i missed u guys did u miss me??
QOTD:(i missed writing these) What are you gonna be for Halloween?
i think im gonna be a rapper/pimp and my friends gonna be my ho/pregnant girlfriend/singer xD
we were watching too much Hustle&Flow xD
anhywhoooo junior year is gonna kill me!!! i swear there's soooo much going on
but the higlights of my day are good stories like the one i mentioned last chapter (which is where i got the idea for TRHPS cuz Gee is dressed as FrankNFurter for Halloween heels and all in that story xD)
so here's another!! For The Monsters That I've Been by generated anomaly
X MCRMY X <-- haha he totally is a cockblock lol
X_Loserface_X <-- glad you liked it i do try to be funny xD
totallymcraddicted <-- congrats on the page claim
FrankinGerard x2 <-- omg i just got you name as i was writing it down xD
killjoeydee <-- can i get a whoop whoop? oh you just did xD that's what you comment made me think of if you haven't seen it look it up on youtube its hilarious xD
FreekyFrank <-- Hai new reader :DDD glad you like it!!
partypoison123 <-- yup hehe i like the red its sexay ;D

so now that that's out of the way FUNNEH THING DOWN BELOW!!
your welcome *smug smile* xD

oh and something really sexay/funny xD

that is me sucking up and saying im sorry to you xD lahv you!! comment share mention me in your stories and if i read your stories update please give me inspiration people!!
p.s. song is Boyfriend by Big Time Rush xD i love them especially Kendall and Logan xD