Status: Active!!! Updates.....whenever i feel like it biches lol xD

Do You Wanna Touch Me There?

Don't Let 'Em Say You Ain't Beautiful

My heart is racing like a prize horse and I’m sweating bullets. I just know my dad is gonna flip his shit now that he found out. His eyes narrow in my direction and I brace myself for what’s bout to come.

“Like hell you are! No son of mine is gonna be a faggot! You’re a fucking disgrace! I knew your mother should’ve had an abortion! You disgust me.” He snarls at me.

My eyes are wide in fear and shock. I’ve never had the honor of having my dad this pissed at me before. But I don’t get to wallow in his anger much longer because my moms’ anger engulfs the entire room. I’m just extremely grateful it’s not directed towards me.

She let’s go of my arm and walks over to my father. She slaps him hard and fast, the sudden impact making his whip to the other side. It all happened so fast that if you blinked you would’ve missed it, but you would’ve heard it.

That’s gonna leave a mark. I think wincing.

“Get out of here Donald and don’t let me see your face until you’ve gained some sense.” She says coldly, her voice like ice.


“I said get out!” she yells.

He walks toward the door, “I don’t want to be in a house with this abomination anyway.” He says jerking his head towards me.

Frank lunges but I grab him around the waist before he can do any damage.

“It’s fine Frank.” I say crying.

He calms down enough to hug me and try to comfort me.

“Don’t waste your tears on him doll, he’s not worth it. You’re beautiful inside and out and don’t let anyone tell you anything different.” He says to me.

I smile a watery smile down at him and squeeze him tight.

“I love you Frank.” I say to him.

“I love you too Gee.” He replies to me.

“Okay well now that that’s over, we still need to have dinner and we need to talk.” My mom says to the three of us.

I look over at Mikey who I had just about forgotten in the thick of things. He was sitting on the couch his head in his hands crying silently. I go and sit next to him wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

“I’m so sorry Gee. I never knew…he’s never been like that before.” He says embracing me and crying into my chest.

“It’s not your fault Mikes.” I say to him.


“No buts, dads an ass but that isn’t your fault. It’s his, and he’s gonna own up to it one day but it’ll be too late.” I say to him. “Now come on, mom wants to take us out. Go clean yourself up.”

I pull him up off the couch and he hugs me.

“You’re the best brother ever Gee.” He says to me like he used to when we were younger.

My mom and Frank smile at me behind his back as I hug him back.

“Okay now let’s get cleaned up so we can eat!” I say trying to bring some joy back into the atmosphere.

Mikey ambles up the stairs toward his room and I turn to Mom and Frank.

“So what’re we gonna eat?” I ask. He shrugs and my mom turns back to look at me.

“What’re you in the mood for?” she asks.

“Ahdunno…How about sushi? Mikey loves that stuff.” I say. Mikey comes bolting down the stairs a smile plastered on his face.

“Did I hear someone say sushi?” he asks. I roll my eyes.

“Sushi it is.” My mom says laughing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hai!! :D I updated early aren't you guys surprised??? I am xD
so yeah Gee's dad is a douche :( he made me mad/sad/violent/weepy all at the same time :(
sooooo i started a new story :) It's called Mama, Were All Gonna Die you should check it out along with...these!! Yes i am shamelessly whoring my stories out on here but it's my A/N so i can do that xD
shout outs anyone? :D (i had coffee today so im hyper forgive me!!)[oh and forgive me for the pink it was way to bright and hard to read so imma go back to blue xD]
looser 'n proud
gah look at those thighs!! o.o
well that's all today ill probably update 2moro
comment (i accept comment rape ;D) and this story is looking for a pimp so if you have xD