Status: Active!!! Updates.....whenever i feel like it biches lol xD

Do You Wanna Touch Me There?

That Party Last Night Was Awfully Crazy

{Frank P.O.V.}

I wake up to the sound of an annoying as fuck alarm clock, which increases the alcohol induced pounding in my head. Wait I don’t own an alarm…I must be at Mikey’s house, I swear that kid’s the only one who actually wakes up on time. I let my eyes flutter open then shield them from the light which just happens to be bright as fuck.

That’s what you get for drinking!

Who fucking asked you?

You don’t have to be rude about it!

Fuck off…

After a brief argument with…myself I look around the familiar room trying to fully wake up. I notice all the artwork and everything clicks into place. I’m in Gee’s room. I’ve woken up in here before after being totally drunk and looking for someone to snuggle with. So what, I like to snuggle sue me! I start to get out of bed when the pale arm wrapped around my middle tightens around me.

Feels nice…

What the actual fuck?

Just saying…

I hurriedly get out of bed throwing the arm off of me with a quickness Flash Gordon would envy. I let out a strangled yelp from the pain shooting up my spine. Great! Now my ass hurts too! Which means…oh shit oh shit oh shit OH SHIT! I shudder from the immense chill I’m feeling and by the time I realize why my face is the color of a ripe tomato.

“What the fuck Frank!” I hear Gee’s muffled response to me getting up as I grab my shit. I throw on a pair of boxers that are hopefully mine and start to shimmy into my skinny jeans.

He gets out of bed and I can’t help but stare at him in all of his glory. I mentally slap myself and start looking for my shirt, which I don’t even remember taking off. How drunk was I last night?

“Looking for this?” I look up to see Gerard, now in boxers, my Misfits shirt dangling from his fingers. I blush again and snatch it away.

“Why?” I ask. One simple word and he blushes.

“What do you mean why? Have you not noticed my feelings for you hell everyone else did!” he says his words slightly rushed.

“No.” I squeak barely a whisper. But of course due to my luck he hears it.

“Frank look at me!” he yells my head jerks up of its own accord, “Don’t you feel anything at all for me or was it just the alcohol speaking?” he spits out trying to hide his hurt.

“Are you seriously mad at me over this?” I yell not even sure why I’m mad at this point. “I don’t even remember anything after leaving the party last night! From what I can remember I was drunk off my ass and you brought me here so you could do something about your fucking feelings! I don’t like boys, I’m not a fucking fag!”I finish sneering at the end.

All it takes is a second for me to realize I fucked up. I fucked up immensely. But it doesn’t even matter because I wouldn’t forgive me so I don’t expect him to. I see the unshed tears in his eyes but I never see his hand. I felt it though my head snaps to the side with the force of the impact and I stare at him with wide eyes.

“Get the fuck out!” he yells.

“Wait! Gee I’m sorry I didn’t mean it! I re-!”

“I said get out!” he interrupts me pointing towards the stairs.

I turn back to tell him sorry one last time when I reach the stairs, all I see is the bathroom door slamming behind him. I run up the stairs ignoring the protesting pain in my ass.

“Hey Frank! Where you going? What’s wr-?” Mikey starts not finishing as I push past him to get to the door. I wrench it open and run as fast as I can to the end of the street. I turn the corner before I realize my shirts still in my hand. I throw it on and keep walking trying to think of anything but my crying best- ex- best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song: I Love College by Asher Roth
D: I know I'm mean! I made Frankie say the unforgivable!
D'awwww! 2 subs and 18 readers! you guys make my heart dance! If only I can get some comments...jus sayin.... And I know I said I only update on Fridays but I had to say thank you to you guys so....THANK YOU!!! <333
P.S. heres sumthin for lolz and to make up for Frankie's meanness!