Status: Active!!! Updates.....whenever i feel like it biches lol xD

Do You Wanna Touch Me There?

Oh My Goodness

[{Gerard’s PoV}]

I wake up sticky from sweat and…uh, body fluids. I unstick my face from a heavily tattooed chest, wiping the drool from my cheek.


I frown in confusion looking around the room. I spy Mikey, Bob and Rae laughing silently holding a camera. I glare at them growling under my breath, I start to go after them only to turn beet red when I remember that I have no clothes on.

“Can you guys get out now?” I ask my voice laced with sleepiness and annoyance.

“Sure but get dressed Mom said she wants to ‘have a talk’.” Mikey says using air quotes.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, and I wave him away leaving me alone with Frank. I look up at him wondering whether I should go back to sleep like I want to or do the responsible thing and wake him. I sigh and poke him in the cheek

He shifts a little but stays asleep, so I poke him again. I poke him again and he pouts in his sleep like the little cutie he is.

“Stoooooop!” he whines, opening his eyes, his voice low and sleepy.

“C’mon it’s time to get up.” I say smiling at his cuteness.

“But I don’t wanna.” He pouts and throws the covers over his head.

“C’mon babe we have to, my mom wants me home.” I say tugging on the covers.

“Alright just five more minutes.” He pleads his voice sounding muffled from being under the covers.

“Franklin Iero, if you don’t get out that bed this instant I will never have sex with you again!” I respond frowning.

He peeks out form under the covers his eyes wide.

“You’re bluffing.”

I cross my arms in defiance.

“Fine I’m up, I’m up.” He groans climbing out of bed.

I watch him stretch naked as the day he was born and it take everything I have not to jump him right then and there.

I get out of bed and start searching for my clothes. I pull on my wrinkled dress and turn around my back to Frank.

“Zip me up please?” I ask him.

He starts to zip me up placing little butterfly kisses on my exposed back as he does so. I smile and lean into his warm embrace when he’s done. He kisses my neck and pulls away to put his shirt on.

“Hey Gee?”

“Hmm?” I ask turning to look at him questioningly.

He walks up to me cupping my face, and places my previously lost flower in my hair near my ear. I lean into his palm and he stretches up to meet my lips.

“I love you babe.”

“Love you too.”

(>^_^)> Time Lapse<(^_^<)

“Hey can you two stop making out for like two seconds?” Mikey asks as he drives us back home in Frank’s car.

“Well we could…” I say.

“But that doesn’t mean we will.” Frank finishes nuzzling my neck making me giggle.

“You two are gonna make me sick.” Mikey jokes rolling his eyes.

“Awwww is wittle Mikey jealous?” I ask in a fake baby voice, and he scowls back at me.

“Oh just shut up and get out.” He quips.

I laugh and climb out of the car my heels in hand. I don’t see how girls survive in these fucking things, like seriously my feet hurt like hell!

I hobble to my door and ring the doorbell. My mom answers the door looking haggard and nervous and I immediately feel guilty.

“Hi Mom.”

“Oh my baby! Where have you boys been? I’ve been worried sick!” she rants trapping me and Mikey in death-grip hugs.

“We crashed at the party so we wouldn’t drive drunk.” Mikey replies gasping for air.

“Cant…breath..let..go?” I ask cursing my smokers lungs.

She releases us and I start gasping for air dramatically, to which she smacks me upside the head.

Owwie!” I yell out rubbing my head.

Frank giggles and I stick my tongue out at him. He bites it and I yelp in surprise.

My mom stares at us her face blank of all emotion.

“They’ve been like this all day.” Mikey says to her amused.

“Go sit in the living room boys I have something I need to tell you.” She says herding us all into the living room.

“Shouldn’t Frank be going home?” I ask puzzled.

“No he needs to hear this too.” She says her voice heavy like she’s about to spill some big secret.

“Gerard I need you to answer me one question honestly. Have you and Frank been having unprotected sex?” she asks seriously.

My eyes widen and I choke on..well air, upon hearing her question.

“Uhh, well…yes.” Frank replies rubbing nervously at his neck his eyes trained on the floor.

“Mom how could you- No why would you ask us something like that?!” I ask extremely embarrassed.

“I have a perfectly good reason, Gerard I never wanted to tell you this but…”
♠ ♠ ♠
sup guys? hehe *evil grin* i dont wanna tell you yet xD but i will soon i promise :D
sorry its been so long im working on like seven stories as of now :\ (you should check those out) and some one-shots
school has been pretty hectic too and me and my kinda-sorta boyfriend broke up [ :( ]

chapter title It's Good by Lil Wayne(<3) ft. Jadakiss & Drake

funneh stuff :D
(Photobucket won't let me post, its on my profile under pictures if you wanna see it D:)

story of the day :D
Give Me All Your Poison

shoutouts :D
looser 'n proud x5
AcidicHeart <--MAH PIMP

QOTD: Have you guys seen Gee's new black hair, and Frank's fauxhawk? I think we're going back to the Revenge era! O.O

so comment/love me?/share :D