Status: Active!!! Updates.....whenever i feel like it biches lol xD

Do You Wanna Touch Me There?

It Hurt So Much To Hurt You

{Gerard’s POV}
I sit in my room in the center of my bed looking at the scars adorning my wrists. All the pain that I feel I hide deep inside. I don’t do a very good job because Mikey still worries, my parents are barely there enough to care. I hear a knock on my door and sigh exasperatedly (A/N: o_o I feel accomplished).
“Mikes I’m gonna be fine go out with Alicia already! Have some fun!” I yell over my shoulder not once looking back just figuring he would go away. Much to my surprise the door opens.
I looked over my shoulder shocked, all the while pulling my sleeves down over my wrists. I see a worn down Frankie, a smile on his face that doesn’t touch his gorgeous hazel-green eyes. A frown settles its way on to my features half out of concern and half out of my dislike of him being here.
“Hey Gee.” He mutters standing in the doorway awkwardly.
“Hey Frankie.” I respond my voice just as low, a ghost of a smile playing on my lips.
“Look, I know you don’t want to talk to me, hell I wouldn’t want to talk to me either, but just hear me out.” He pleads coming closer and sitting next to me.
I shift away instinctively and he gasps almost involuntarily shocked by my actions. I don’t dare look up to see the hurt that will be dusted across his features.
“I’m listening.” I say my tone clipped and slightly monotone. He nods a little and sighs ruffling the hair on the back of his neck obviously relieved that I will listen to him.
“I fucked up so bad and I know I did and I’m sorry Gee. I’m really sorry. I never meant to say what I said I was just confused at the time and it’s till no excuse because I hurt you and I’m sorry. I love you Gee maybe not in the way you want me too but I love you and I can’t lose you, you’re my best friend.” He says near tears at this point causing my own personal waterworks to start, “Please forgive me Gee? I’ll do anything! Anything I promise just don’t leave me.”
I start to cry and I pull him to me hugging him tightly. I’m glad to know he needs me just as much as I need him. He is my rock, my strength and even though it hurts that he’ll never love as more than just a friend, I’ll take that over losing him completely.
“It’s okay Frankie I forgive you.” I say trying to calm his hysterics.
We sit there rocking steadily back and forth for a while as his breathing calms down and the only sound in the room are his occasional sniffles.
“Well that was emotional, u wanna watch some movies and just chill like we used to?” I ask attempting to bring some normalcy back into our relationship.
He nods looking so much like a lost little child that I just have to hug him close to me again before I get up to pick a movie.
“How about Nightmare on Elm Street?”(A/N: the old one cuz it’s a classic lol) I ask looking up at him. He nods enthusiastically and I smile at his childlike behavior. I pop it in the DVD player and sit next to him on the bed.
He immediately cuddles into my side as per usual, but my heart still start bouncing around my chest wildly by his show of affection. Stop it Gerard! I scold myself, if I want to keep Frankie I have to learn some control around him.
By the time the movie finishes Frankie is curled into my side sleeping and I lay down next to hima content smile on my face now that my best friend is back. He doesn’t have to now about the scars, the worst is over… Right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okayz so i sowwy if its crap (and its sooo short D:) it like 12 AM here in Texas and im dead ass tired but i said i would post this yesterday but ive had so much going on b/c of school and shit.
oh yeah and its still me A-Dizzle but my bffeae decided i needed a killjoy name thus hacked my computer and changed it but i like it so im not complaining.
Also i got grounded so i'll try to keep update frequent but i make no promises.
i also noticed i forgot the song from last chapter which was Apologies of a Thug by R. Kelly (o_o i knoooow thats soooo weird lol) and this chapter is Forgive Me by Evanescence
whatidoforaliving <--- i LOVE ur icon its soo cute :3
my funny thing of the day is:
hehe personally i love both lol
and my recommended story is:
Masquerade by havewelostjimmy?
it is truly amazing and its on hiatus right now but its really good it actually made me cry but the love is sooo strong----> Click!
okay im gonna stop acting like the (in the closet) hopeless romantic i am and get some sleep <3
Enjoy/Comment/Sub/Share/Sleep <3
P.S. bbcode suxx big monkey balls -___- that is all good night :* <3 me lahv u mucho (i get weird w/o my sleep...okay im weird in general lol)
P.P.S. i lmost forgot do any of u guys have killjoy names? im honestly interested i wont judge u or anything i promise leave in a comment or on my profile page if u want ok nighty nite