Status: Active!!! Updates.....whenever i feel like it biches lol xD

Do You Wanna Touch Me There?

The Boy Is Mine

{Frank P.O.V.}

(>^_^)> Yet Another Time Lapse<(^_^<)

(A/N: Yes another one lol I have to get to the good part or else you’ll never get anymore Frerard…or angst ;) )

I sigh as I throw my stuff in my locker grabbing only the essentials. Me and Gee have been doing…okay. There’s still that awkward silence every once in a while but its only natural seeing everything that we’ve been through. He tries to hide the anguish from me but it doesn’t work, I still see the pools of hurt at the very back of those gorgeous hazel eyes of his. Wait! What?
I shake my head slightly confused by that random thought. But I mean that’s not weird people think stuff like that about their best friends right?
“Hey Frank!” Speak of the devil…
“Hey Gee!” I say breaking out into a smile at his exuberant face but also at my inner thoughts. “Uh Gee who’s that?” I say just noticing the boy he’s dragging down the hall by his wrist.
“Frank this is Bert! Bert meet Frankie! Bert’s’ new at school and we bumped into each other literally,” he says blushing, “So I decided to help him out as my apology.”
“I told you, you didn’t need to apologize!” Bert says smiling his eyes glued to Gerard, “But I appreciate the help.” He finishes blushing.
I immediately want to punch this kid in the face but I have no idea why. My smiles withers off into a broken shadow of what it used to be but Gerard doesn’t notice because he’s practically salivating over the new kid. I don’t see what so special about him he looks like a jerk if you ask me. His face and body language just screams cocky bastard.
But as I keep looking I notice he also has that bad-boy-greasy-haired-dirty-rock star-neo grunge look going for him. That, coupled with his icy blue eyes that most people would die for, makes him undeniably sexy and I see why Gee’s so attracted to him.
“Hey Gerard I’m gonna head to class I need to talk to my teacher about something.” My voice not exactly as friendly as it was before.
He looks at me confused by the obvious change in my voice.
“O-okay,” he starts uneasily, “You want me to come with then we can introduce Bert to the guys.” He asks trying to alleviate some of the tension.
“No. I just need to be alone for a while.” I say walking off, leaving my hurt best friend and a confused new kid behind.
“Yo Frank!” I turn around to see Mikey coming my way and I groan wondering what he could possibly want.
“What Mikey?” I ask my voice flat.
“You should’ve known he wasn’t going to stay single forever.” He says a smug smirk upon his lips. ….What?
“What are you tal-?”
“Cut the bullcrap Frank, I saw how you acted towards the new kid. You’re only like that when someone tries to get close to Gee.” He says the smirk still gracing his features. He just loves to torment me that boy.
“He’s not just trying to get close to him! He’s trying to get with him! Even a blind man can see that can’t you?” I spit venomously.
“A better question would be why do you care so much?” he asks and walks away.
I glance down the hall at Gee and…Bert. I see Gerard beaming his face contorted in laughter over something he just said. I try not to get mad all over again. Why do I care so much? I shake the thoughts away, all best friends care when a new kid comes around it’s totally normal.
♠ ♠ ♠
song is: The Boy Is Mine by Monica and Brandy
soo today kinda sucked cuz it not a Friday lol but i gots good news...IM ALMOST AT 100 READERS :DDDD!! thank you guys soooooo mucho for readin/commentin/subbin <3
shoutouts too:

p.s. (last minute edit) I HAVE 3 STARS :DDD THANK YOU GUYS!!! :* <3
X MCRMY X <---- you're actually one of my fave authors so having u comment just totally made my day :D
you guys r awesum for commenting!! <3
i give love to everyone commenter or not muaaah :*
mah funneh thing of the day:
my story of the day :) is: My Submission, Your Addiction by lizzicleromance and court