Absolutely Amazing

"Amazing, that you are..."

From backstage they could hear the fans. They were waiting for them and couldn't hope for this day to have some any sooner. The excitement of the fans was nothing short of expected, but also so much more.

As the lights dim and the setting for the show begins to set in as the band readies themselves. Anxiety about performances have never been a problem in years.


It brought a smile, small and barely noticeable, to the lips of the singer. Continuing to hear the fans like this, even after all these years, made everything perfect.

And when the stage became theirs once more he couldn't agree more with his previous thought as he sang.

This feeling, this stage...was amazing.

You've helped make this amazing,” thought a certain guitarist lovingly.
♠ ♠ ♠
For me, this is a BUCK-TICK Atsushi/Hisashi fic.
However, it could be any band that you want it to be :)