Status: active :D


I thought I loved him. I was wrong.

My name is Amanda Rider and I’d had my heart broken for the last time. I know I’m not the first girl to have spoken those words and I sure as hell wasn’t the last but that didn’t make them any less true. However, no matter how hard I tried to stick to my resolve, the fact that I saw him on a daily basis didn’t make things any easier. Thank God I had my work to distract me. My team and I were currently working on a special case: Find and kill any Nedwuts as well as rescue any surviving Zetithians. This should prove to be interesting.

Years ago the world Zetith fell under attack from countless other worlds. Those who called the peaceful planet of Zetith home fought in vain; for the planet was destroyed, almost wiping out an entire race. Those few surviving Zetithians were sold into slavery due to their being ridiculously attractive. There are those, however, who continue to hunt for these powerfully seductive beings: The Nedwuts. And they will stop at nothing until every last Zetithian is slain.

Disclaimer: I don’t own The Cat Star Chronicles. I do encourage you to check the books out. They. Are. Amazing. The original author is Cheryl Brooks. So far, there are seven books and the eighth is coming out sometime next year. Excited. But for real, look them up. Trust me. You’ll be happy you did.

layout by: hopelessly hopeful
icons in banner credit to va