Status: I'm only uploading one chapter for now, just to see if people are interested. But I promise to update in the near future!

Jumping Into Rivers


Liam jumped as the final slice of bread popped out of the toaster. Behind him Zayn was frying off some bacon, whistling to the radio cheerfully. Seemingly he wasn’t that bothered anymore about being rudely awakened by Louis’ screaming this morning.

“Morning, all.” Harry said groggily as he wondered into the kitchen, plonking himself onto a bar stool and rubbing his half-open eyes. His famous curls were messy and untamed.

“Morning.” Niall replied, receiving five plates from the cupboard and lining them up on the counter. “How’s Lou?”

“He’s fine, a bit hung-over I guess.” Harry pulled the blanket tighter around his body, resting his head on the cold, marble surface of the bar. His mouth watering as the scent of bacon wafted through the kitchen.

“He was shouting about something this morning, I’m surprised you didn’t hear.” Zayn spoke, sending a look to Niall who was inspecting the fried eggs in the pan.

“Niall wouldn’t wake up even if there was an earthquake.” Liam said, buttering the last piece of toast and placing it on the last plate.

“True,” Zayn shrugged, “but seriously, he was screaming about something.”
“He said it was a bad dream.” Harry muttered beneath his curls.

Zayn shrugged again, “I dunno, it sounded like he was talking to someone.”
“Louis always talks in his sleep.” Niall said.
“He even sings,” Liam laughed in agreement, helping Niall to pile the plates full of scrambled eggs. “Remember when he gave us a full rendition of ‘Summer Nights’?” Niall let out a loud chuckle at the memory while Zayn merely snorted and shook his head in amusement.

“Speak of the devil.” Zayn muttered with a smile as Louis stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing his head with his eyes squeezed shut.

“Morning.” The boys said in unison, watching as Louis groaned in response and climbed onto the bar stool next to Harry. He looked confused beyond belief, but it was soon replaced by greed as soon as Liam thrust a plate in front of him. He shoved a forkful of food in him mouth and chewed in ecstasy as the others watched on.

“Hungry, Lou?” Harry smiled, to which the older boy simply nodded in response.


“Niall! Watch where you’re fucking going with that vacuum!” Zayn shouted, having to leap out of the way as Niall dangerously darted around the living room with the cleaning device. Moments later a messily dressed Harry came wandering through the living room, tripping over the vacuums’ cable and tumbling to the floor in a comical fashion.

“Sorry, Harry!” Niall yelled over the sound of the running vacuum, continuing to clean up the disgusting floor, watching as each piece of dust and dirt was sucked away.

Harry scrambled up from the floor and continued using the pink feather duster to lazily clear away the layer of dust built up on the surfaces.

It was one o’clock, and so far the boys were actually being pretty sensible. They’d already cleared away the kitchen until it was relatively spotless, and they were now sorting through the living room. Louis was sat in front of the DVD case, picking up the stray discs and placing them back into their plastic cases, occasionally rubbing one on his T-shirt.

All of them were bored, but in a way cleaning the house was the only way they could entertain themselves. They’d been home for three days now, and already they couldn’t think of anything to do. All of them were exhausted from the tour, but in comparison they would much rather be back on the tour bus then back at home with nothing to do.

“Let’s go out tonight.” Zayn said once Niall had cut off the power from the vacuum.
“But I’m still not eighteen yet.” Harry huffed, wrinkling his nose as more dust flew around his face.
“No I mean out for dinner or something. I mean we live in each other’s pockets 24/7 but I feel like I haven’t spoken to you guys properly in ages.”

The rest of the boys had to agree. While on tour they would either be messing around or getting drunk, but never really speaking to each other. Liam poked his head around the door, “What’s this?”

“We’re going out tonight, the five of us.” Niall spoke.
“ I dunno, let’s get Simon to get us a table somewhere good.”
“I don’t want any of that caviar shit though.” Niall winced, remembering the last time he’d tried the food. He’d perhaps had a few too many glasses of champagne, and two hours after eating said food, he’d vomited up the tiny black eggs into a rather posh and pristine toilet.

“Okay, so no caviar. I’ll give him a ring in a minute.” Liam said, disappearing behind the door to continue mopping the hallway. They could always trust Uncle Simon, even if it was just to get a reservation at a posh restaurant.

Louis stood up after putting the final DVD back and stood up. “I’m just gonna step outside a minute.” He said, grabbing his glass of water from the side and walking towards the kitchen.

The cold air hit him once he stepped outside, the hairs on his arms prickling. He made his way into the large garden, lowering himself into a garden chair and hissing as the cold metal hit his back. Breathing in the crisp cold air helped his muggy headache clear a little. He watched the water of their swimming pool ripple under the wind, and smiled to himself when he remembered last summer. Constant BBQs and water fights. Harry running around his in underwear, giggling like a child as Zayn chased him with the hose. Harry throwing his head back to let out that perfect laugh as he pushed Niall into the pool for the fifth time. Harry’s pretty lips moulded around his straw as he sipped his lemonade. Louis all the while staring at him behind his dark sunglasses, smirking and he sipped from his own chilled beer.

Louis smirked again to himself, remembering those times. Nearly making himself blush as he thought about those lips, that laugh...just him. “You’re so gay.” Louis muttered to himself, almost with a laugh, running his tongue across his teeth in thought.

The wind suddenly picked up, causing him to shiver. His hair whipped around his face as his teeth chattered. He could be mistaken, but he could have sworn he saw the flutter of a white dress in the corner of his eye. It took him a second to register, and once he realised he spun his head around, but saw nothing. Louis knitted his eyebrows, he could have sworn he saw her...

He faced forward again, and sure enough, there she was. Standing at the end of the garden, perfectly still. A statue almost, her pale skin like marble, her blonde hair dancing in the wind in an angelic fashion. Not that she was an angel by any stretch, far from it in fact.

Louis stood up in disbelief. Blinking in case his mind was making things up, but then she was gone. At a literal blink of an eye she had disappeared. “Fuck.” Louis hissed, “Stop messing with me.”

“Louis?” turning around he met Harry, his own curls attacking his face, his green eyes glanced up at the ever darkening sky. “Get in here, it’s gonna rain, come on.” Louis nodded and did as he was told, Harry grabbing his arm and pulling him in just as the first drop fell.

And Louis was sure Harry’s hand lingered in his just a moment to long...
♠ ♠ ♠
So, chapter seven. Yay!

Happy Christmas everyone!