Hanging by Hope.


Kate sat back on the seat slowly. The sun wasn't that intense today so she could sit outside without it irritating her skin and eyes. She came into the garden daily but rarely stayed outside for that long because of that.

All she could hear was quiet talking from around the garden. It was how it normally was every day and Kate liked the fact the sometimes it was so quiet that she could almost hear herself thinking. She'd often thought about whether or not that saying was true, that when it's really quiet you can practically hear yourself think. When she came into this garden she found out it was.

When she heard the same noise that approached her every day, Kate couldn't help but grin. A moment later a girl came into her sights before she flopped down onto the grass. And like always Kate couldn't help but think that must hurt.

“I'm so sick of them not trusting me,” the girl huffed, throwing her arms out on the grass.

Kate just rolled her eyes, “You know why they don't Alice.”

Alice just huffed again before sitting up and running a hand through her hair. Kate tried not to notice her bare arms. “I know, I know. But god, you get more trust in this place than I do,” Alice said, her last words were soft.

Both girls were in St. Aubury's Children's Hospital. Kate had been in the hospital for seven months whilst Alice had been there for just over nine months. They were both in different wards.

Kate began playing with her scarf so that she didn't have to look at Alice right now. She felt awkward every time that Alice would mention about her having more trust in this place. Because yes, she did have more trust by the nurses because she wasn't in the same ward as Alice was.

“Come lay with me Kate,” Alice said after a while, patting the grass beside her. Kate grinned before getting up from her seat and going to sit by her. Almost immediately Alice laid back down on the grass which made the other girl roll her eyes before laying so that she was head-to-head with Alice.

Alice reached out to Kate's hands and wrapped her left hand in the girl's scarf before linking their other hands together. They both lay like that for some time, not talking or moving.

Just enjoying each other's company.

“Kate..,” Alice started which earned her a small 'mhm' from the other girl, “I love you.”

Kate stared up at the sky with a small smile growing on her face. “I love you too Alice. And when we get out of here I'll love you all the same.”

“And I'll be with you all the time 'coz I'll love you.”

“We'll get a house together and become cat ladies.”

“Then we'll grow old and complain about our wrinkles together.”

By now both girls were giggling. It was something uplifting and fun for them to talk about whilst being in the hospital. Not many people found things to be funny when in hospital but after being there for sometime, you have to find things that you can talk about and have a laugh with.

Kate's giggles started calming, “But first.... first you have to beat your demons Alice.”

Alice sighed, “I know. And you have to get better.”

“I will, I promise,” Kate said, sitting up and brushing her hair down with her fingers. Alice copied her by sitting up but didn't brush the leaves from her hair.

“And I promise I'll beat my demons.”


The girl sits on the seat with dull eyes. The garden is quiet like always but it was now because no one else was outside. She shouldn't even be outside either. It was dinner time so she was meant to be having food.

The sky wasn't bright but it wasn't pitch black either. It was windy as well but the girl was only in her top. She never wore jackets outside, no matter whether anyone told her she should or not.

There was only a matter of time before someone would notice she's not there for dinner and they would look for her outside. She'd then be made to go back in and have dinner without being allowed out again.

She sighed and watched as her breath came out in a small cloud. It was cold but she didn't think it was too cold. But then she never did.

Kicking at the grass, she sighed to herself.

Who would have thought it would just be her, sitting outside. She certainly didn't, she always thought that the other girl would sit out here. That she would be in her top and not cold. But she weren't.

She never beat her demons.