My Time

Always knock on wood...ALWAYS.

September 9, 2011

So, know how I said everything was going great? Prepare for crash course in three




People suck.

So, tonight at the game, Cody promised he'd be there, because we never get to hang out anymore. Well, I got there, and didn't see him anywhere. So I texted him.

He got into an accident. He flipped and totaled his car because he went to fast around a turn.

Luckily, he only got a bump.

He said he'd try to show up later, and I told him just rest, and I was glad he was okay.

He did show up, with his friends Jeff and Kyle(A different one, for the record).

And they were all high off their minds.

Now, to be fair, I knew he did stuff like that. He also promised me he was going to stop.

I was sitting with our friends Tate, Devin, and Joey, who he also told he was going to quit. We're all mad as hell.

It's not just that he broke his promise and showed up to a school activity high, but we figured out he had to be high when he crashed his car. He was driving stoned.

He doesn't get how serious this is. He could've freaking died, and he left half way through the game to get high some more. I don't even know what to say. I'm so pissed. I'm beyond pissed.

I'm scared for him. It's not just weed anymore, and some of that crap's serious. He knows that. I can't even talk or look at him right now. But I doubt he cares, because he cares more about getting high.

To make matters worse, I was texting Dylan, and explaining this all to him. Then he has to go and assume I care about him as more than a friend.

I went off on him. And I feel awful.

I told him that Cody was there for me when he couldn't be, and Kyle wouldn't be. And he never texted back.

I don't blame him.

I suck, too.

Every time things start getting okay again, the world pulls the rug from under me, and everything gets f-ed up. I really hate this.