My Time

School Really Is An Emotional Prison.

September 3, 2011

So, school just started, and I already know it's going to be a long year. But I'll get to that story in a second. What's on my mind right now is just frustrating.

My sister is going to send me to an insane asylum. No joke. For some reason, if I'm upset, she feels the need to cry and make it about her, and about how seeing me like that just makes her all upset and bawl. I can't deal with it.

And now, she's driving me nuts. She asked me to put in a good word for her best friend with a guy I know. The only problem is, one of my best friends has liked him for a really long time, and so I refused to do it.

She keeps asking me why, and I keep telling her I can't tell me, and to leave it be. She won't. Now she's upstairs at this very moment, pouting and will probably scream at me later. I can't tell her why I can't do it, because that's rude of me. It's not my place to tell.

Ugh, just screw it all. I give up with her.

Which brings me around to school. I've had two days of it, and it's already two days too many. You remember my ex-best friend Stephanie? She's in three of my classes. And for some reason, she thought it would be a good idea to choose to sit right behind Karen and me. For the record, Karen hates her more than I do, and will probably end up beating Steph with her crutches.

In my SS11 class, we do a marriage project to learn about funding and finances and all that jazz. Partners are chosen at random. This doesn't happen until fourth quarter though, so I have a long time to worry. But not my point.

Back in 5th grade, this kid, Denny, used to have a crush on me. It wouldn't be a big deal, if he hadn't literally started getting obsessive. He drew me pictures of cacti because he thought I was from Texas. I'm not, for the record.

In grade six I had to get my locker moved because it was right next to his, and he kept harassing me as to why I wouldn't go out with him. He kept saying how he was going to buy me some expensive diamond ring. And we were twelve.

When I repeatedly turned him down, he started yelling at me. I went to the counselor and they did nothing about it. All this lasted until the eighth grade, and even now, it still kinda happens. He always asks Karen if I would date him.

The guy cannot take a hint.

He repeatedly tried adding me on Facebook, and I wouldn't accept and blocked him. Last year, we were on a field trip, and on the bus ride home I was in a sucky mood. I didn't feel well and a lot was going down with my mom's condition; I just wanted to curl up and cry.

He started talking to me about how I didn't add him on Facebook, and I told him I didn't want to talk about it because I wasn't feeling well. Total truth. I got home that night, logged on, and had a message from him. Why they allow people you block to send you messages, I have no idea.

Anyway, it was saying how mean I was, and he didn't know why I hated him so much, and that I just completely ignored him the day before and that was really mean of me.

But he's in my SS11 class, and if I get paired with him for the project, I don't know what I'll do. It's basically all of quarter four and our whole grade for that quarter. Maybe his schedule switches at semester and I'm overreacting.

Either way, it's too much to take.

Especially since Kyle still won't even look at me. It really sucks, because he's one of my closest friends, and I can't even talk to him. He's treating me like I'm some contagious disease. It doesn't help that the other person I would talk to is a good chunk of miles away, and impossible to get ahold of. Gosh, I really miss Dylan.

I haven't even gotten a chance to talk to Adrienne yet, because she hasn't been answering her phone. I can't talk to Karen about this stuff, because she tells everything to her boyfriend, who while I get along with, has a big mouth too, and doesn't think before speaking. I'd talk to Cody, but he still feels bad about the whole Kyle thing, and I don't need to make him feel guilty.

I wish I could just wake up and it was all a dream and summer was still here. At this rate, I can't wait until graduation. I need out of here.