My Time

Funny How You Think Nothing Will Surprise You, Then, POOF

September 4th, 2011

I'm so incredibly disgusted right now. Like, shocked, angry, and betrayed. Hence the second post within like, six hours.

So, I was talking to Karen's boyfriend, because he posted an uncharacteristically depressing Facebook status. I didn't expect what came next.

He said he trusted me, which I was pleasantly surprised for. He used to be one of my tormenters, but since he started dating Karen, he's been making an effort.

He said he thought that her ex, (and coincidentally my ex as well, the one I'm not speaking to), Jarret was trying to steal her back. We started getting to talking, and Bob(Karen's boyfriend) said that Jarret had told him things he supposedly did with Karen.

I had mentioned that after they broke up, Jarret kept asking me if Karen said anything about when they were dating. I didn't make sense until Bob told me what Jarret claimed happened. Bob said he was really disturbed, and told me there was something he thought I deserved to know.

Jarret had told him that when we dated, in the eighth grade, mind you, that I had offered to let him do things, but he declined. For the record, we never even kissed.

I was appaled. I still am. My hands are shaking while I'm writing this. I trusted him. I thought he was a good guy. I told him things that I didn't tell other people, because I thought he was my best friend. And now I find out he was saying stuff like this, and not just to Bob. Plus, I'm confident if he said that about me, what he told Bob about him and Karen is false too.

I feel like an idiot. I feel hurt and betrayed that he would even suggest that I'm easy or a slut. Ironically enough, I happen to feel sex is something that should be saved for marriage. Not that I'm judging how anyone lives their life, it's your life, and if you're happy, so be it. Not the point though.

How could someone do that? What posseses people to say things like that?

I have no idea what to say or think or believe or even feel. I'll probably go upstairs to my room and bawl until there aren't any tears left. Today has been too much.

Oh, did I mention I messaged Kyle? The ball's in his field now, and I don't know whether I'm more afraid of what he could say, or that he won't respond at all.

Excuse me while I go throw up. I sincerely hope your lives are going better than this. Trust me, while drama is fun to watch, it's not fun to live.