My Time

Sometimes, Happiness Comes Without Perfection.

September 5, 2011

So, guess what? For the first time in awhile, I had a few hours that were just...happy.

Today, technically, yesterday now, was so much more than I ever imagined. While it began with my pissed off rant and crying myself to sleep after feeling the most hurt I have in awhile, it ended with laughter. Legit, joyous laughter.

When I woke up, I still felt so sick to my stomach, I couldn't even handle breakfast. Then my sister made me watch Camp Rock 2 with her, and we goofed off and sang silly songs until my parents got home from their spontaneous overnight trip out of town(it's almost their anniversary). Em and I dragged our butts out of our pajamas and went shopping with our Mom, which was actually a blast. It's really just shocking how much fun we turned bra shopping into.

When I got home, I had Calculus homework, but I blasted my new CD and finished it no problem, with some help and funny texts with Karen. After that, when I checked Facebook, I nearly had a heart attack. I had a new message. As well as a new friend request.

Kyle had messaged me back, and I was nearly shaking so bad I couldn't open the message. When I did, it was worth it. Kyle decided that, while he stood by what he said just like I did, our friendship was worth more than our pride. He told me he missed me and talking to me too, which was a relief to hear. If you didn't guess, the friend request was from him.

After that, I made my way over to his house because Kira(His sister) and I had plans to hang out. We grabbed my sister and rented some movies, where Kira effectively dropped all, I'm sorry, almost all, of her change on the ground. While I was kindly picking it up for her, she dropped the rest. On my head. Then we had some sort of adventure in Wal-Mart searching for snacks.

We really wanted Cheese-its, and couldn't find them anywhere. Kira was then on a mission, hell-bent on finding them, so she asked a worker. Apparently, the worker didn't know what Cheese-Its were. We did a gazillion laps around the food section trying to find them, and I almost got left behind like five times because I got distracted by something, most likely shiny. We were just about to give up when we found them. We also found mood-telling fruit gushers that changed your tongue color like a mood ring, cookie crisps, and Oreo dippers. We were stoked.

We laughed the whole ride back to her house, and then we holed up in her basement. We went through most of the cheese-its, a fourth of the box of cereal, four Oreo dipper packs, and most of the fruit-gushers. After we at those, of course, we had to stick our tongues out at each other, which brought on more laughing. Nearly five hours and two movies later, it was midnight and time to go home. We went upstairs with Kira, and Kyle was in the kitchen, frosting a cake he had baked.

And he talked to me. The first words he's said to me in nearly six months. I think I looked crazy from smiling so big. Anyone else would have asked me what the heck I was on. Plus, he listened to us laughing crazily, and rambling due to our over-tiredness. And shockingly, he didn't instantly regret his decision to talk to me again.

The best part by far, though, was when we were telling him about the Mood-telling fruit gushers, and trying to get him to eat one. Their dad walked in, listened to us, and then joined our mission. He even had one himself, and laughed about the results. I was wrong. The real best part is when we were leaving.

I looked at Kyle, and said "I'll talk to you soon."

And he met my eyes, and responded. "Yeah, we will."

I really missed my best friend. For that whole six hours or so, I didn't once think about Jarret, or having to see Stephanie in three classes at school, or how much things sucked. I was laughing, and joking, and having a good time just being 16.

Then, I got home and Adrienne FINALLY called back. We're really good at phone tag, for the record.

I got to rant and cry about Jarret, and like the amazing person she is, listened to me. It felt so good to actually talk to someone about it, and just get it off my chest. Then she told me funny stories about her first day at school to cheer me up, and we talked for an hour about boys and family and homecoming.

For the first time in weeks, I feel hopeful. It got off to an awfully rough start, but maybe this school year won't be so bad after all...