My Time

Fairy Tales Are Overrated, But Happily Ever After Exists

September 6, 2011

So, I'm going to continue on my barf-inducing cheerfulness. Just a caution for any people seeking tragedy.

Today marks my parents' 25 wedding anniversary. TWENTY-FIVE years. A quarter of a century. Over half of my mom's life. It's really crazy.

I look at my parents, and it's so inspiring. Yeah, they aren't perfect. Yeah, they fight. But when it comes down to it, I know they love each other so much, even after twenty-five years. Yes, I have said 25 an unbelievable amount of times in this post. And yes, it is only the third paragraph. Get over it.

I've seen couples who break up and hate each other, or even though they're married, resent each other. I can honestly say I don't see that in my parents.

Last summer, after my mom had surgery to remove her cancerous tumor, she had to sleep at an elevated angle, so she had to sleep on the reclining couch. Instead of sleeping comfortably but alone in their bed, my dad insisted on sleeping right beside her in the living room and catering to her every need.

After she lost all her hair, my dad would lock eyes with her and tell her how beautiful she was, and still is.

Sometimes, when my mom gets a bit tipsy or drunk, my dad will be making jokes, and she'll roll her eyes. I'll remind her she's the one who married him, and she'll get this goofy smile on her face.

"He is cute," she'll say.

It's one of the most adorable things I ever see. For those of you who were wondering, my dad is more than partially bald, and although he used to be a state wrestler, he now sports a beer gut.

How my parents still manage to be so upbeat after everything is beyond me. Through four children, cancer, financial difficulties, and much more, my parents have stuck together. And they're still happy and so in love.

Watching them makes me realize I want that. I want someone who will love me unconditionally, make me laugh, and who will hold me when I cry. I want someone who I can get old with, and laugh over the past. What they are is everything I aspire to be.

Happy 25th anniversary Mom and Dad. I love you.