Potential High School Drop-Out

Entry 4

xX Unappreciated‭. Xx

The last day of school‭ ‬is never easy for anyone.

Either teachers are freaking because of the things they didn’t get to do or bored and make you do stupid stuff because you finish everything to early.‭ ‬Either way there a mess.‭ ‬On top of that they bitchy because of some thing that has nothing to do with you or even your class.

Our teacher for intense finish everything to early and had us doing stupid shit like:‭ ‬A timeline of are lives,‭ ‬highlighting three major events.‭ ‬So I did the first time I was published,‭ ‬when my family first moved to Sorington,‭ ‬and my first cheer-leading competition.‭

I know,‭ ‬I know,‭ ‬I know...CHEERLEADING‭! ‬And I who clams to be a converting feminist was a cheerleader.‭ ‬Cheer-leading is a highly under appreciated sports and even less so as an art in the history of whatever.‭

You have to go through year of training,‭ ‬hour pun hours of workout,‭ ‬and some kind of diet to weight routine.‭ ‬Special if your a Flyer or a tumbler.‭ ‬For a Flyer you need to constantly be in check with your Catcher.‭

And just to clarify Flyers are the ones that go up in the air.‭ ‬Catcher catch the Flyer and also through them up in the air.‭ ‬Tumbler are the ones you see doing most of the cartwheels,‭ ‬black-flips,‭ ‬front-flips and etc.

So if your Catcher can't lifted you incomplete routine you lost point.‭ ‬If they can't keep you in the air cause your to heavy and you fall.‭ ‬Let me tell you from experience those blue mats don’t do shit.‭ ‬You will get hurt,‭ ‬maybe not a lot but there will be pain.‭ ‬Sometime right away but it will come.‭

So yeah I was a cheerleader back at my old school but I hadn’t done it seriously in like two years.‭ ‬I fool around in the backyard when I'm board but yeah,‭ ‬just to make sure I still got it.‭

Our teacher also had us do this one on what we want to be and how we plan to get it.‭ ‬I chose a journalist.‭ ‬I said I learning about new thing and writing and that with my quite wit and attitude.‭ ‬I’m surd to have a good Journalism career.‭ ‬How I'm also very creative and persuasive.

Today she talked none stop about how the school doesn’t appreciate its teacher.‭ ‬How there so underpaid and that the school wants them to pay for the paper they use during the school year.‭ ‬She rant forever and while some of us payed attention other like me didn't really.

I spend the time reading in article on eating disorders.‭ ‬No that I have one but it interested me.‭ ‬It was called The Love and Hate of Food by a person on Mibba.‭ ‬I write articles,‭ ‬poems and few short story but nothing really big or fun.‭

This however really stuck out to me,‭ ‬it was filled with fact and a good view on eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.‭ ‬She made me want to write about obesity and how its also in eating disorder that is highly miss understood.

Thankfully the bell rang,‭ ‬we went to a early afternoon homeroom and clean rest of the stuff out of our lockers and‭ ‬pack up for home our time and last form this school.‭

Our homeroom teacher gave us a final rant about our behavior and growing and yahda yahda yahda.‭ ‬Whatever,‭ ‬back to the article where I was know reaching this girl that was mentioned Christy Henrich.

Sad sad sad story.‭

They finally let us out and my bother who I had seen in like two days,‭ ‬was on time.‭ ‬Yeah‭! ‬Fornot feeling forgot in.‭

I got in the car.‭ “‬Hey.‭ ‬Look you be on time a stuff.‭”“‬What do you want‭?” ‬I said the first part with happy upbeat tone.‭ ‬the second part with mono serious tone.‭ ‬He was up to something.

‭“‬I need your help‭?”‬he made a face and shrugged.


“Three words.‭ ‬Mom.‭ ‬Dad.‭ ‬Split Summer.‭”‬as he said each he put up a finger.I grabbed his hand put another one up.‭ “‬That’s actually FOUR words.”

“Don’t be a smart-ass.‭” ‬he was getting mad.‭ ‬But I didn’t see why.‭ ‬So the split the summer.

‭“‬Can't be helped I was born smart.‭” ‬I smiled and shrugged just piss him off some more.‭ ‬I love messing with my brother.‭ ‬Paybacks a BITCH‭!

“UHHHA‭! ‬JUST LISTEN.....‭” ‬He yelled as he pulled off.‭ ‬Driving ridiculously fast.
I know very little about really cheerleading. What i do know is from movies and a few friends. I've never really made a nice cheerleader before so I thought why not. Hope you like it.
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Okay sorry this one was kinda long but I dont know I just counld stop. Plus this was the short version . I originally wrote something a lot long but I edited it down.



I would really like to know what you think as I go along.
& I own everything in this story.
With Love A.M