

She ran through the house, throwing clothes into a basket and shoving clutter into closets. For the first time in four years the blinds were open, music playing, a smile on her face.

“He’s home!” Her voice echoed off the apartment walls and the old ladies drinking coffee in the apartment next door smiled.

She stopped running around to look in the mirror by the door; she smoothed her wild, blonde hair, ran her fingers under her eyes to erase the smeared make-up, and pulled on her jacket. She had only made it to the driveway when she saw his motorcycle coming down the street.

His tires screeched as he pulled the bike up next to her and jumped off.

Her arms were around him and his lips on hers before the old ladies drinking coffee, who had heard his motorcycle, made it to the window to look out at the couple.

“You’re home.” She smiled into his kiss. But as he laughed in response, she couldn’t help but hear the ugly jingle of the dog tags that still made their home around his neck.
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Just a thought. Something that has been stuck in my head for a few years and has been written and rewritten... Just thought I'd bring it out of the closet.

What do you think?

One word answer: Keep? or No?