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The Lies We Told Got Me Here


It was dark and chilly as she walked alone in the night, her hair blowing behind her as the wind whipped at her face. Her pace quickened. She could hear footsteps behind her, and she didn’t know who they belonged to nor did she care to find out.

Thump, thump, thump.

The faster she got, the faster whoever was behind her got. She could tell from the heavy footsteps it was a male and he was gaining on her quickly. She cut a corner and started to run down an alleyway, only to find it was a dead end. The only way out was back where she came from.

The man had seen her though. It was too late. He was already coming after her, his face was one she’d never forget, even in the dark she could see the burn scars on one side of his face, the sick grin his lips had curved into as he neared closer to her.

He’d trapped her like a rat and the only thing she could do was scream. She opened her mouth to holler but nothing came out. It was as if she’d lost her voice. She could feel her own throat closing in on her with each step the man took toward her small and delicate frame.

Her head was already starting to spin. She could feel herself getting ready to fall to the ground and just as her knees began to buckle under her, the man reached her, putting his hands on either side of her head and his knee between her legs so she couldn’t fall.

“You’re an awful pretty thing,” he told her in a deep voice with an accent she couldn’t place.

“P-p-p-p-p-l-e-a-s-e..,” she choked out just above a wisper.

This pleased the man as he put his lips to her ear ,“I’ll make it quick,” he told her, his tongue licking at her ear lobe in a seductive way.

“Why?” She asked as she closed her eyes, waiting for the worst.

“Because, you don’t deserve what you’ve been given,” he told her with an anger in his voice that was devastating to hear. She said nothing to what he said, she didn’t understand what it meant.

“You’ve a home you don’t pay for, a husband who loves you and a family who cares for you,” he told her as tears started leaking from her eyes, “Why shed tears now? You cheat on your husband and you send your children to boarding school so you only seem them three times a year.”

“What do you care?” She asked, starting to struggle to get free.

“I don’t care per say, but it pisses me off people like you think you can get away with mean, nasty shit and nothing will happen to you,” his grip was tightening on her. He’d made it to where she could no longer struggle.

“I’ve never done anything bad in my life,” she said, though she knew this was a bold faced lie.

“Oh really?” He asked her, causing a chill to go down her spine.

It was dark out. The only light showing was just the shine that came from the moon. They couldn’t tell if any stars were out or what was going on in the world around them. They’d all snuck out of their beds and went into the woods to get high. It was a weekend and they thought no one should have to be in bed at eleven, especially not at the ages of sixteen, seventeen and eighteen.

Once they were done smoking and all their drinks were gone, each of the five teens were feeling pretty good. No one was around to call them names, no one around to make fun of how they looked and most of all, no parents to keep them inside…

So they left the woods and started walking around the almost dead town. They came upon a boy no more than fifteen years old.

“Here, Spot, Spot, come home, boy,” he was shouting, obviously looking for a lost pet of some time. The teens saw this as their chance their chance for revenge. They would get back at whoever hurt them through this boy, this sweet innocent boy, a boy they weren’t even sure they knew.

“Don’t say a word,” the oldest of the teens said as she put her hands over his mouth and eyes, “Grab his arms and feet,” she yelled at the rest of them.

They did as they were told, the boy putting a fight up the whole time. The youngest of the teens was reluctant at first but eventually joined them in dragging this boy back into the woods with them.

“Let me go! Someone will be looking for me,” he threatened weakly, still trying to get free. One of the teens took his shoes and socks off, rolling them in a ball and stuffing the nasty smelly things in the boy’s mouth.

“You talk too much kid,” another one said.

Before the boy knew it, fists were flying at his face with kicks to his stomach and lower body. The boy could feel the warm stickiness that he knew was blood seep out of his mouth, ears and nose. Before long, he couldn’t feel anything at all . He welcomed the darkness that took him over, it was quirt again and he was at peace.

The teens kept their beating up for a while, not even realizing that they’d knocked the poor thing out. Before long though, the eldest one had left and was gone a good while before coming back with more smoke and a lot of liquor that they shouldn’t have had.

As they got more high, they got more ideas. They started blowing the smoke on the boy so he’d smell like pot, they sat him up and laid him against the tree with his head laid back and his mouth open. They noticed now that he was starting to come around so they started pouring drinks down his throat, one right after another.

No matter how much he vomited, they just gave him more. Eventually, he passed out again but they still kept trying to pour the it down his throat and it just wouldn’t go. No one was paying attention as one of the teens dropped a cigarette and it caught the ground on fire.

The flammable booze had spilled on to the dead grass of the woodland floor, the line ran straight to the boy igniting him on fire. The other teens were quick to leave while the youngest one dragged the boy away from the fire and used her trench coat to put him out. She moved his body to the side of the road before running home herself, forgetting all about the woods being on fire.

“You left me on the side of the road for dead!” He shouted at her.

“I saved you!” She retorted, shaking afraid for her life now.

“Saved me? You kidnapped me, beat me, made me smell like pot and poured enough alcohol down my throat to ruin my liver and a kidney! How do you call that saving me?” He asked

“What do you plan on doing to me?” She asked him, “I was only a child. They pressured me in to it.”

“I was innocent. I hadn’t done anything to you or the others but you still tried to kill me. You even carved names into my skin. I’m lucky to be alive,” he said, his elbows getting closer to her head .

She was scared beyond all reason. She didn’t say anything as she tried to tell herself it was just a dream and that she was going to wake up.

“You even helped pin it on someone else. Do you know what it’s like to wake up in an unmarked van with a paedophile while you’re barley able to breath, only to be thrown out of the van and in front of hospital doors after they’re finished with you?” He was bitter, it was easy to hear that in his voice, “I had to have skin graphs, a kidney transplant and my face, well, it couldn’t be fixed. And no one believed me. They called me names, made fun of me, sent me to a mental institute. Do you know what it’s like to be sane and be stuck with the mentally ill?”

His voice was getting angrier as he started squeezing her head, watching as she opened her eyes looking him in the eyes. He smiled a sick grin when he saw her fear, “You’ve done it to everyone, hid your dirty little secret, lied to them, just like your friends. You know the ones you haven’t heard from in over a week?”

“What have you done with them?” She asked in pain, as his grip got tighter but then he all of a sudden stopped, his hands moving to her throat.

He began to choke her as he spoke, “You’ll see soon enough what I’ve done with them. You all hurt me and now I get to hurt you back. Life’s a bitch, hun. You don’t get revenge, you get even.”

They were the last words she’d hear him say for several days.

She woke up alone in a cabin in the woods in only her bra and panties. Her head was killing her and her throat was so sore she could barley breathe in air. She looked around for others but couldn’t find anyone. What she did find was a tape that told her to record what she’d done and any last words she might have.

“My name is Anna, and I’ve been kidnapped by a crazed man. Please, someone help me,” she said in to the little recorder that was hooked up to a T.V after a few moments of sobbing she began to scream as she felt a large shock to her body and soon heard a voice.

“The note said to admit your crimes and confess your sins, not beg for help. Do what the note says or get shocked again.”

“My name is Anna and when I was sixteen years old, my friends tricked me into helping them kidnap a child and almost kill him. I saved him. I put the fire on his body out and left him on the side of the road,” she said, stopping to take a few deep breaths as she stopped crying, “At eighteen, I killed for real and stole that persons identity. I did it so well, I even tricked the girl’s husband into believing I was his wife. The lie was so good, he gave me three children that I really don’t even want so I sent the little brats off to boarding school where I only have to see them three times a year.”

“I cheat on my husband and I think of killing him all the time. He’s an abusive son of a bitch who needs to burn in hell,” she closed her eyes as she started giving details of how she killed her fake husband’s real wife, enjoying the memory and just as she was finished, she began to get shocked again.

“You’re not thankful for what life gave you, therefore I shall take it away from you,” the man said, not stopping the electrocution this time. He was pissed off that a woman who committed crimes like that was set free but he was locked away for years just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“Everyone pays for their sins, sooner or later. You’ll be paying for yours now and in the next life,” the voice said before everything stopped and the girl just laid there motionless as the door burst open.

The emergency team had been called to get her, but it looked like it would be too late for her.