Hidden Sadness



“Get the fuck in the bed!”

I whimpered, curled up into a ball in the corner of the room. I was gripping my throbbing stomach; he punched it hard enough that I could have sworn I heard a crack.

“Please…” was all I could manage to squeak out. My throat was sore from all the screaming I was doing, but he didn’t care, he never cared.

“Why don’t you ever listen to me?!” he grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me up with one hand.

“You stupid slut!” He said before pulling his fist back and slamming it hard against my cheek. I screamed out in pain once again.

He threw me into the direction of the bed and I ended up hitting my head on the bed post. Before I even had time to react he was on top of me pinning me down by my neck. I tried pushing him off but I wasn’t that strong, instead he gripped both my wrists in his left hand while grabbing a tie off the end table.

He tied my wrist together, and then to the bed post. I struggled against the knots but just earned another punch in the ribs.

My eyes tightened trying to ease pass the pain.

I felt his lips at nibble on my ear.

“I’m going to enjoy this.”

He ripped open my blue button down shirt and tore off my bra. “Stop!” I yelled struggling underneath him. “Please!”

He just laughed an evil laugh and continued biting into my nipple. I hissed in response. It hurt so much. ‘Why me? What did I do to deserve this?’ I wondered.

I felt his heavy hand push my shorts down and ram his hand into my panties. He pinched my clit hard and I gasped in pain. This went on for a while longer before he decided I was wet enough. At least he was considerate, or maybe it was for his pleasure.

Ripping off my panties, he pushed himself between my legs and positioned himself.
I couldn’t help but begin to sob now. “P-please d-dad, don’t d-do this.”

He growled. “Don’t fucking call me dad!”

He rammed inside me hard not giving me time to adjust. This wasn’t the first time he’s done this. No, he’s already stolen my virginity; I have to admit that first day was the worst. It doesn’t hurt so much now, but it’s still shameful and embarrassing. He’s my father for Christ sacks!

My mother died 3 years ago. She killed herself after coming home one day to find her husband, my father, in bed with her sister. Why he would do such a thing? I have no idea. My mother was better than her sister in every possible way. Never the less, she was heartbroken and the next day she over dosed on painkillers. The only thing she left was a note to me saying she was sorry but she couldn’t live knowing he didn’t love her, she then told me she loved me and wished me the best.

I cried for months after that. She was wrong, my father did love her but he was confused at the time and made some bad decisions. Kind of like he is now except back then I was only thirteen and I loved and supported his every move. Now I’m sixteen and all I can see is my hatred for the ugly human being.

I felt his body tighten and then loosen inside me. I was shaking not sure if he was done yet.
Sometimes he decided to have a round two. He rolled off me though. I felt the bruises forming around my wrist and thighs.

He leaned in closer to my face and I cringed at the look of satisfaction in his brown eyes.

“I have a surprise for you tomorrow. I think you’re going to like it.” He winked and then untied the tie around my wrist. My arms fell to my sides as I starred at the door straight ahead.

“Be home by four tomorrow.” He opened the door after slipping on his jeans. “If you’re not here by four Nicole…” He gave me an evil smile. “Well, you’ll see.”
♠ ♠ ♠
*Adventure time face*