Hidden Sadness



About a half hour later I left my room to go join the others down stairs.

James was sitting on the couch between Juiles and Hailey. Sarah, Callie,Jasmine, and Zoe were all talking in the kitchen together.
I noticed that Robin was missing.

I walked over near James who smirked when he saw me. "Well look who decided to join us."

"Where's Robin?" I asked not trying to be bothered by his games.

He frowned and looked back at the t.v. "Uhm, don't worry about her."

The way he said it just made me worry more then I usually would. "What do you mean? Where is she." I demanded more then asked.

"I said don't worry about her." James looked a bit upset with the whole situation and wouldn't look me in the eye.

I glanced at Juiles who looked sad but she didn't say a word. I sighed and walked to the kitchen.

They were talking about a show on tv that I haven't seen yet and I noticed Zoe's eyes on me instantly.

"Do any of you know where Robin is?" I asked nervously. I didn't really know these girls so I wasn't sure how they would act with out one of the guys around.

Most of the girls just looked away but Zoe spoke up. "She was acting like a bitch so Travis put her down stairs."

"Down stairs?" What was down stairs?

"The basement is where they put you if you do bad things." Jasmine said quietly, looking at her hands.

I knew my face must have looked disgusted cause I found my self walking back into the living room.

"What's in the basement?" I questioned James.

His brows pinched together before he rolled his eyes. "Who told you?"

"Does it matter? What are you doing to her down there?"

He sighed. "Not me. Travis. And nothings being done really, Travis just...."

I folded my arm expectantly.

"He chained her up. Ok?" He shook his head and pulled away from Juiles and Hailey.

I gasped and backed up a little. "He- what?"

My head was reeling. He chained her up? What kind of person would do that! A psychopath that's who.

"Nicole, there's a certain way some of us act around here, a certain way we do things and-"

"Shes chained up? Like," I starred at him, he actually looked a bit regretful. "Like an animal?"

He took a deep breath. "Nicole, just relax ok?" He stood up and moved closer to me. I noticed some of the girl from the kitchen peek in to see the commotion.

James reached for me but I backed up untill my back hit the front door.

I wanted to help Robin but I didn't know how. I didn't know what to do. I was confused, and scared for both me and Robin.

Everyone was staring at me and a thought flashed though my mind.


I swung open the door and began running across the field. I saw nothing but trees though and a single road.

James was calling out my name but I didn't stop. I followed the road running as fast as I could. I figured that eventually I'd have to come across a town or at least another house.

I was running for at least ten minutes before slowly coming to a jog and eventually stopping completely to catch my breath. I looked up at the sky and saw the sun shine brightly. I sighed and continued walking.

About five minutes later a heard a rumbling sound and turned to see a red convertible speeding down the road with a worried looking James at the wheel.

I started running through the trees but James had already spotted me.

He swerved and came to a rough stop in front of me.

"Nicole!" He yelled catching up to me and grabbing my arm roughly.

"Nicole stop."

I screamed and tried to pull away but his grip just tightened.

"Stop! I'm not trying to hurt you!"

"You guys are monsters! What kind of person chains a girl up in a basement?!"

He sighed and began dragging me over to the car.

"Stop!" I yelled, pulling at my arm, trying to get him to stop moving. "I'm not going back! Get off me!" I was panicking and did the only thing that seemed logical to me.

I pulled his arm close and bit down hard.

James made a loud animalistic noise but didn't let go. He turned, and for the first time since I've been here, he was angry.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" He boomed, furious. "I'm trying to fucking help you! If you don't come back with me then Brenden will go looking for you, and if he finds you..." He laughed harshly. "You just better hope he doesn't."

I was scared shitless and I could feel the tears pricking my eyes.

I hated it here. I hated these people. I hated my father, and everything he did to me. Everything he's still doing to me. He's the reason I'm here! Why can't I just escape? I just want to be alone.

James noticed the tears that were now streaming down my cheeks and sighed.

"Please just... get in the car."

I didn't say anything, I didn't move, so James picked me up bridal style and I found my self crying against his chest.

He placed me in the car before walking around and getting in him self.

We drove silently back up to the house and he walked me back to my room. All the girls had disappeared from sight.

"I think it'd be best if you stay in here until the others come back." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and I just nodded before walking over to my bed to lay down. I felt my eyes droop a little and eventually they just closed all together.

I hate my life.


It was around seven pm when I finally woke up, not willingly though.

I heard a lot of yelling coming from the hall, and jumped when my door swung open.

Brenden stormed in, with Tray following behind.

"Brenden calm down." Tray tried to reason but Brenden stormed over to me and ripped me out of bed thrusting me on the floor.

"You tried to fucking run away!"

I scrambled away from him but he wasn't about to let me get away that easy.

"Get the fuck up!" He yelled.

I shook my head and backed up into a corner. I learned that beatings don't hurt as much when in fetal position. I guess that'd be one of the only things my father taught me that would turn out to be useful.

Brenden growled and reached for me but Tray pushed him back forcefully making him stumble. "Dude, back off."

"Who the fuck do you think you are!" Brenden yelled.

Tray just stood there unfazed. "Just leave her alone, she's scared, what the fuck do you expect when someone finds out that there's someone chained in our basement."

"Move." Brenden stated, narrowing his eyes.

Tray stood his ground though. I watched Brenden's fist clench.

"MOVE!" He boomed before running forwards and punching Tray square in the jaw.

Tray stumbled from the force but quickly recovered. Tray retaliated by grabbing Brenden's shoulder and punching him in the gut.

Travis ran in with Mark a minute later.

"What the he'll is going on?" Mark asked.

Tray was just about to hit Brenden again when Travis ran over and pulled him back.

"Let go of me Travis!" Tray said pulling out of Travis's hold. Mark went over to help Travis tackle Tray to the floor.

Brenden took the chance to pull me up by my hair and slam me against the wall face first, my back facing him.

"You think you can just leave when you want? Do what you please?" He hissed in my ear.

I cringed at the smell of alcohol and cigarettes on his breath.

"I- I came b-back." I whimpered as he tugged my hair hard to the side exposing my neck.

He scoffed. "You never should have left." He spat.

"I'm s-sorry." I stuttered out.

"You know what I think?" Brenden said pushing his body against my back side.

I looked over at Tray who was fighting against Mark and Travis's restraints. He looked so angry and concerned.

"I think you did this on purpose," he kissed my neck. "I think you like pain, you like the abuse." Brenden's hand was traveling around my waist and unbuttoned my shorts pushing them down my legs, revealing my panties.

Tray grunted and ripped his body away from Mark while punching Travis in the face. He then ran over to me and grabbed Brenden by the shirt, ripping him off of me.

"Are you ok?" He asked me while I pulled my shorts back up. I nodded slightly.

I turned to see Brenden smirking at me and fixing his shirt.

Tray glared at him before pulling me out of the room by my wrist.

I looked back to see Travis licking his lips and staring at my ass.

"I'll see you latter sweetheart." . Brenden called from inside the room.

I was scared as I followed Tray down the hall. Was Brenden going to rape me back there? I wouldn't put it past him, for god sakes they have Robin chained up down stairs. What was I going to do? Tray wouldn't be there to protect me forever. Eventually I'd have to face everyone again. I'd have to see Brenden again.

I felt my stomach clench at the thought of what he would do to me.

I was going to be sick.
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