Hidden Sadness

Not Sorry Enough

I woke up the next morning in Tray’s bed but he was missing.

I got up and looked around to make sure he wasn’t just in the bathroom or closet. He wasn’t. I slipped out the door and made sure no one was around before making a run for my room. Once inside I closed the door firmly behind me but I screamed when I noticed Brenden was laying on my bed watching me.

“What are you doing in here?” I asked reaching for the door handle again but he got up fast and before I could even take one step out of the door he had it closed and locked with just us inside.

“What did you do last night?” he asked twirling the keys around his finger.

“I stayed in Tray’s room.” I stated. I felt like if I just told him at least most of the truth he would lay off some.

“Tray’s room?” he asked making a weird face. I nodded. “He doesn’t let anyone in his room, your lying.”

My brows pinched together in confusion. Was he serious? Was I the first to be in Tray’s room?

“I swear.” I said a bit more confident then I felt.
Brenden stepped closer to me, in turn I took a step back. This continued until he had me pinned against the closet door.

He stuffed the key in one of his pockets before leaning in close to my face and inhaling.

“Ugh,” he said in disgust. “You smell like him.” did I? How could anyone be disgusted by his wonderful scent?

“I told you I stayed in his room.” I said softly.

Brenden grunted slightly before moving away and sitting on my bed.

“I wanted to apologize for yesterday.”

I scoffed inwardly, not wanting to piss him off.

“I lost my temper slightly, I know finding out about Robin like that was probably quite a shock.

My eyes widened. I cant believe I forgot about Robin!

I straightened up, and he noticed my change in behavior.

“Where is she.” I demanded.

He raised an eye brow and crossed his arms over his chest. “I suppose she’s in her room, or Travis’s.”

I felt my heart rate pick up at the mention of her being with Travis. “I want to see her.”

He laughed slightly. “How bad?”

“What?” I asked confused.

“What will you do to see her?” He said standing once more.

I swallowed hard and watched him as his eyes dug into mine.

“You mean… like sex?” I asked lowly.

He stared at me hard, but after a few moments he broke out into a fit of laughter.

“No!” he exclaimed. “how about you just forgive me?”

I scoffed. “For give you?” he nodded.

“You almost raped me, Brenden!” I yelled causing his playful attitude to cease.

He lowered his gaze slightly and ran a hand through his hair which wasn’t tied back.

I did have to admit he had awesome hair. I kind of had the urge to run my own fingers through it like I did the other night, but then I thought of how he treated me last night and I pushed the thought away.

“I wouldn’t have raped you…” he mumbled before sighing. “I just needed to scare you into not running away again.”

I shook my head in disbelief. “Well it didn’t work! If anything it made me want to get away even more!”

I watched his jaw clench and thought I may have said the wrong thing.

“I sorry.” he whispered. He looked so upset that I almost believed him.

“Sure.” I said sarcastically.

“Nicole,” he said moving closer. “I really am. I just… I don’t know how to act with you.” he reached out to touch my arm but I moved back.

“Theres something about you that just makes me… crazy.” Your already fucking crazy. “Please forgive me.”

I bit my bottom lip in thought. What if he was serious? Maybe I could use this to my advantage, make things around here easier for myself.

I shook my head slightly and looked down at my hands causing my hair to fall into my eyes.

I felt his finger tips brush the hair away before he lifted my chin up so I could look at him. “What do you want me to do?” he asked softly.

Let me go?

“I don’t want you to hurt me.” I said making him sigh.

“I don’t want to either.”

“Promise you wont.”

He looked into my eyes and there was something in his that told me he was telling the truth. “I…cant.” he said a bit bitterly.

I felt the tears suddenly build in my eyes but I quickly blinked them away.

“I want to see Robin… now.”

“Please forgive me.” he said while using his thumb to wipe at my eyes.

I bit the inside of my cheek and reluctantly nodded a yes.

He offered me a soft smile and pecked me on my forehead. “I really am sorry.”

Not sorry enough to not do it again though.
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urgg, still short but im trying to make up for lost time :)