Hidden Sadness



I woke up the next morning in the same position my father left me. Naked, bruised, and cold. I rolled over on my side and glanced at the clock. “Six thirty…” School starts in an hour.

I willed myself to get out of bed. Slowly I made my way over to the bathroom eager to wash this filth that was my father, off of me. The warm water was running and I turned to look in the mirror before getting in.

My black and blue highlighted hair looking the way I felt, a complete disaster. I picked up a brush to brush my hair out and then noticed my eyes. The once bright green tint was now faded. Huge bags hid under the sad eyes that were so foreign to me.

My pale skin was bruised everywhere and there was a light scar on my stomach from the day my father decided it’d be fun to play with knives. I couldn’t recognize the female I was staring at. She looked so different. Older, wiser, emotionless. Of course if she looked at her
self before all that happened she wouldn’t be able to recognize that her either.

Sighing I turned to the shower and stepped in feeling the warm water burst against my skin. It felt amazing. I wanted to stay there for hours but I knew I couldn’t. I had school to go to and not to mention the ‘surprise’ my father said he had.

I groaned at the thought of it. A surprise from him? Well my birthday was coming up in two weeks; maybe he remembered and decided to actually get me something this year. Who was I kidding though; he probably just planned to beat me up again leaving yet another scar physically, and emotionally.

I finished up showering about thirty minutes later and got dressed in a black shirt that had grapes fighting on it and a purple skirt that stopped just above my knees. I picked out a pair of striped knee high socks and threw on some black converse before picking up my bag to leave.

I crept passed my father’s room quietly, not wanting to wake him or else I’d have another problem to deal with, and ran down the stairs and out the door.

The school wasn’t far away. Just about a twenty minute walk. I looked around the dull streets. There was garbage rolling around and cats hiding in the bushes. I kept walking noticing some students ahead of me.

“I heard this girl threw up on the stage during practice yesterday.” The blond snickered.

“Ha! I was there! It was the funniest thing I ever seen. The teacher was so grossed out.” The brown haired boy said.

I stepped around them since they were walking slowly and school was literally a couple feet away. Accidently I bumped into the blond, but kept walking.

“Hey! You could have said excuse me!” The blond grabbed my arm and turned me around.

“S-sorry.” I stuttered out.

“Where are you going in such a rush? Its only school.” She said, sneering.

“I-I have to get to class.” I said pulling my arm back. The Blond scowled.

“You’re not going anywhere until were done talking to you.” The boy glared at me.

I glared back getting fed up with these two. “Fuck off.” I said giving him the finger.

“What?” he spoke slowly. “What did you say to me?” I suddenly felt small under his watch.

“N-nothing.” He grabbed my shirt and pulled me close.

I closed my eyes tight. ‘Please don’t hit me, please don’t hit me, please don’t hit me.’ I silently begged.

“Hey.” A deep threatening voice sounded.

I opened my eyes and there was a huge figure standing behind the brown haired boy. He was tall, about 6’2 with short shaggy black hair that poked out in different directions. He looked muscular and he was staring at the brown haired boy with piercing gray eyes. I gasped and the boy looked at me funny.

The brown haired boy put me down only to be tugged around by the man behind him. “What the-“ he was cut off when he saw what was behind him.

“Hey man, I was just…” he trailed off when he saw the look the man was giving him. “Uh, come on Amber.” He grabbed the blonds hand and jogged away.

I was left with a very mean looking yet very attractive young man. “Thanks.” I whispered. He just grunted. Grunted? And then walked away. I stood there a moment. 'What just happened?' I wondered.


School dragged on and I couldn’t help but inwardly cheer when the final bell rang. Quickly I ran out the class room and ended up being the first one out the front entrance.

Pushing the book bag up higher on my shoulder, I grabbed at the strap, put my head down, and began walking home. It didn’t take me to long to realize I was being followed. Biting my lip I turned around and was met with a hard chest knocking me down on my butt.

I groaned standing up to rub my sore ass. “What the fuck dude.” I said glaring before realizing it’s the same dude from before. His gray eyes burning holes in my head. “Oh shit-,
I mean i-I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you. I-“ He grabbed my arm, stopping my rambling, and began pulling me.

“Hey! Stop!” I tried ripping my arm away but his grip was too tight. “Who are you!” I cried desperately.

A car pulled up and I was thrown in the back seat. I tried opening the door but I couldn’t unlock it. “Let me out!” I tried banging on the window. I didn’t notice the driver until he began chuckling.

I turned quickly and my mouth fell open slightly at the sight I saw. A man with amazing hazel eyes sat before me. His long brown shoulder length hair was pulled back into a low ponytail. His long eye lashes batted innocently at me with a smirk on his face.

“Shush darling. Where here to take you home.”

My eye twitched. “H-home?”

“Yeah, well… your new home to be exact.” My eyes widened and he must have understood my confusion because he automatically started to explain. “You see sweetie, your father decided he didn’t want you anymore and before he had a chance to do something stupid like murder you,” he winked at me which made me shudder. “I bought you from him.”
So this was his surprise? He sold me to this, this… gorgeous, yet horrible creature? What is he going to do with me? Better yet what is he going to do to me.

The other man from before opened the front door and stepped in the passenger seat. I sunk into my seat in the back. The driver continued. “You now belong to me and no one else, don’t worry I’m not that bad. “ I scoffed inwardly. Sure I’ll believe that when my shit turns purple. What kind of guy buys some ones daughter and isn’t bad. I nodded nonetheless.

“We already packed all your stuff, my names Brenden by the way, and this is my best mate Tray.”

“I’m Nicole…”

He smile and I cringed. I don’t know why I was so scared of him since he hasn’t done anything yet, but I was. I was terrified but I kept up a good façade. “We know.” Was all he said before turning around in his seat and driving off to who knows where.
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