Hidden Sadness

Who are you again?


We were driving for about three hours before I finally fell asleep in the back seat. When I woke up I had no idea where I was, only that there was a strange man staring at me from outside the car door window.

I jumped back startled, before I remembered what had happened. I knew that man was cruel, but I never thought he’d sell me to a bunch of strangers. I frowned at the thought.
The door opened suddenly and I was met with Brenden’s smiling face.

“Honey, were home!” He grinned.

I glared at him. “Don’t call me honey.”

“Would you rather I call you slut?” His face became serious. “Or maybe I should call you whore.” His eyes went wide like he had just realized something. “You know what, I could call you useless.
You useless, stupid bitch.”

I know I shouldn’t have, but I felt the tears burning at my eyes. “Please stop.”

His face went back to smiling. “Come on love; let me give you the grand tour.” Brenden’s hand reached out and I, reluctantly, took it.

We walked up the trail to his house hand in hand. When it finally came into view I almost gasped at how beautiful it was.

The house was a pure white color, and three stories tall. The windows were placed in neat rows except for the two large window that covered two floors placed on each side of the wooden double door way.

Brenden pulled me inside and for a moment I couldn’t help but think maybe it wouldn’t be so bad here.

The inside was beautiful and spacious. Brenden showed me all the main rooms, excluding any bed rooms.

That moment ended when I heard a scream coming from the second floor. I looked over at Brenden and watched as his jaw clenched. Worried I cleared my throat.

“Uh, who was that?” I have yet to see anyone else in this huge house; I almost thought I’d be stuck with him forever.

He sighed and walked me back to the living room. “Stay here. Understand?”
I pursed my lips but nodded.

Brenden left and I was left sitting on one of the most comfortable couches I had ever had the privilege to sit on. I was in the middle rubbing one of the pillow cushions when I noticed Trey walk in. He barley glanced my way before taking a seat in a leather chair to the right of me and flipping on the TV.

I bit my lip unsure of what I should do. Family guy was on with made me look at the clock. How was it eleven pm already?

Sighing I sat back and closed my eyes. Flashes of my mom filled my head. I missed her so much, if only she was still here.

I don’t know how long I sat there like that but when I opened my eyes Trey was gone and the TV was off again. It’s creepy how quiet he can be, yet in a weird way, comforting.

I was just about tired of waiting when I heard Brenden whispering to someone else.

“I don’t care. Tell him if he doesn’t have my money by tomorrow, he’s as good as dead.”

I gulped, scared that that’s what I might be soon.

Brenden walked into the room and smiled at me. “Are you tired?” I nodded. “Well silly get up and I’ll take you to your room.”

I followed him up to the third floor. My room was the third to last door down the left hall. Brenden opened the door so I could walk in and I couldn’t help but stare in awe.

The room was huge with a king sized bed in the middle of it. The walls were painted red, and the carpet was white. There was a bathroom and a spacious walk in closet where all my stuff had already been put neatly way and organized by style and color.

“Do you like it?” Brenden asked, whispering in my ear. “I even went ahead and bought you a few more outfits.”

He did by me some stuff. I wouldn’t exactly call then outfits since half the shit only covered a quarter of my body.

I felt his hands slide down my sides to my waist and back again.

“W-what are you doing?” I asked nervously.

He turned me around so that I was facing him. “The question you should be asking me is what you want me to do. And my answer would be” he paused and leaned in so that his lips barely touched my ear. “Go to sleep silly.” He pulled away and grinned.

“W-what?” I asked confused. I wasn’t expecting that. I was expecting the complete opposite of that actually.

“Good night.” He winked, before closing the door and leaving me there stunned. Who the fuck are these people!
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