Hidden Sadness



The next morning I woke up to my bed bouncing. I groaned and rolled over trying to ignore it.

“Get up!” a female’s voice whined. “It’s breakfast time.” She giggled as the bouncing on my bed ceased.

I sat up and stared at her. She was beautiful. Not too tall, maybe about 5’7, with long silky blond hair, and a perfect figure. Her chocolate eyes stared at me with a childlike expression.

“Well don’t just sit there! Come on, before it gets cold.” She moved to walk in to my closet. I got up and went to take a quick shower. When I got out I dried and then wrapped the towel around my body.

What am I doing here? This isn’t home, even though home wasn’t much a home either.

I stepped out and found that girl standing there holding and already ready outfit.

“Put this on.” She stated and handed me the outfit while smiling.

I looked it over once and gave her a sour face. “No.” She frowned. “You have to!”

I walked over to the closet in search of some new clothes to wear. “No, I don’t.”

I picked out a T-shirt that promoted safe sex, and a pair of red skinny jeans along with a matching red bra and panties.

The girl stared at me scared. “You have to put this on, or he’ll get angry.”

The funny thing was she actually sounded worried, scared even. I sort of felt bad for not putting on the slutty outfit she had picked out.

“Who’s he?” I asked confused.


“What?” What the fuck was she talking about? Who was this ‘Master’ that she was so scared of?
Brenden? Was he so bad he went to the length of making her call him that?

“I-I can’t say his name.” she started backing away. “Just come down to eat.” The girl left and I had this gut feeling that this place might be worse than I thought.

I went down stares anyway and found my way to the kitchen. There was tons of food cooked and I picked up a plate of bacon and eggs.

I ate the food quickly and put the plates in the sink when I noticed how quiet it was. Who else lived here? This place was too big for only four people. Which reminds me, who was that girl? I never caught her name.

I escaped to the living room where I found Brenden sitting on the couch. “Hi.” I said from the entrance, not daring to get any closer.

He looked over to me but didn’t say anything. He was staring with a creepy look in his eye, like he was trying to fight the urge to lunge at me.

“What are you sitting alone for?” I tried again. Why am I trying so hard? I shouldn’t even care.

He sighed and got up. It took him a few moments but he did smile. “It’s time for you to meet everyone.”

I nodded and he guided me out back to a huge garden. In the middle sat a tall gazebo filled with ten females, and four other males. I saw the girl from earlier hiding behind one of the men, avoiding eye contact.

Brenden walked to the middle me following close behind. “Alright guys, this is Nicole” he said pointing to me. “and I’d like you to make her feel welcomed.”

Everyone was smiling, some a bit creepier then others, except for Trey who was sitting by himself on the ledge not even paying attention. What the fuck was his deal?

Brenden’s phone began ringing so he excused himself and went back inside. It felt awkward just standing there, but what was I supposed to do?

“So your Brenden’s fresh meat?” A cocky looking dude said. He just so happened to be the one that girl was hiding behind. "I heard you were giving this sweet young lady a bit of a hard time this morning."

“I- uh…” I stuttered, unsure how to respond.

He had Short brown hair that matched his eyes, and a cocky smile forever plastered on his face. You could tell he worked out a lot due to his too tight t-shirt.

“My name’s James.” He said getting up and pulling the girl from earlier with him. “This is Julies.”

“Nice to meet you.” I said.

The man next to him stood up to introduce himself. “I’m Mark.”

James went on to introduce everyone else. “The last dude is Travis and I’m sure you’ve met Trey.” I nodded before he went on to the girls.

“OK, so the red head is Laura.” Laura waved, and I smiled. “The two twins over there are Sarah and Callie.”

The girl with short puffy hair pursed her lips and said “I’m Sarah, she’s Callie.” Sarah pointed to a girl identical to her except for their hair. Callie had long hair and bangs that often fell in her face causing her to constantly push it back.

“The purple chick is Jasmine,” James said pointing to a girl wearing all purple. “and the girl sitting all by her lonesome is Robin.” Robin turned her head to wink at me and I noticed tons of bruises covering her face.

“The last four are Victoria, Hailey, Frankie, and Zoë.” They all smiled and said hi.

“Well it’s nice to meet all of you.” I said

“So Nicole, tell us, how much do you know about this place.” James said.

I thought for a moment. “I don’t know anything except the fact that my dad sold me to Brenden.”

“Well then, you’re in for a treat.” James said using that cocky smile again.
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Comments please? Should i keep going or no?