See the Sky? See the Stars? All of This Could Be Ours!


“Oh shit!”

I sat bolt upright in bed, my heart pounding out of my chest and my shirt stuck to my body with sweat. The room was dark and silent except for the sound of soft breathing. I couldn’t see anything and I had no clue where I was.


“AH!” I screamed and fell off of the bed, landing harshly on the floor.

Suddenly the room was full of light. I looked up and saw Max looking down at me concerned.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Max where the fuck are we?!? Where’s Jace and Aimee?” I replied.

“We’re at the hotel and who are Jace and Aimee?”

“Jace is our son and Aimee is my daughter! Jared’s daughter! I adopted her when I married Jared!” I said looking at him. Had he lost his mind?

“Whoa! Back up you’re married with kids?” he asked.

“Yes and one of them is yours!” I replied.

“Okay who the fuck is yelling?”

I looked up and saw Scarlett sit up from the mass of blankets, her red hair on end.

“S-Scarlett?” I asked looking up at her.

“Who the else would it be?” she asked looking at me.

“You’re alive!”

“Physically yes but right now it’s too fucking early to be truly alive.” she replied.

“I think you’ve been dreaming babe.” Max said getting off the bed and walking over to where I still sat on the floor.

“Who the fuck is waking me up SIX fucking hours early?” Rose asked sitting up from beside Max.

“Mykal was dreaming and woke up.” Scarlett replied.

“Well can’t she dream a little quieter?” Harlow’s sleepy voice came from behind me. I turned and saw her and Jimmy curled up in the corner with a pillow and blanket just behind me.

Looking around I saw all my friends spread around the room and all were looking at me. Jojo and Raleigh were on either side of Scarlett while Erin and Matt were curled up in a blanket on the floor at the foot. Monte and Robert sat half awake in chairs and Craig had made himself a bed on the counter of the little kitchenette. Johnny was in the closet and Brian was propped up against the wall.

“It was all a dream? Oh fuck it was all a dream.” I said running my hands through my tangled curls.

“Yeah and now that we’re all up you an all kindly fill us in.”

I turned and saw Jade and Zacky on the side of the bed I hadn’t been able to see.

“Holy fuck I hope you two used a condom.” I said looking at them.

“Condom?” Zacky asked looking at me.

“Yes a fucking condom so Jade doesn’t get knocked up with twins!” I replied.

“We didn’t even have sex!” Jade replied.

“Then where did you guys disappear to last night?” I asked.

“We went to get more booze and when we got back all of you were already passed out.” Jade said.

“Thank god.” I replied.

“So in your dream Jade had twins?” Raleigh asked.


“So what else happened?” Erin asked.

“Well you and Scarlett died.” I replied.

“WE DIED?!?” they both yelled.

“Yeah. Car crash. Scarlett was high.” I replied.

“Holy fuck what else happened?” Jade asked.

“Um…we went on tour with MCR….you had twins…Max proposed then we broke up…we got back together…Rose left the band after she married Brendon-”

“I MARRIED WHO?!?” Rose asked.

“Brendon. In Vegas.” I replied.

“Nuh-uh! I’m not marrying that ass! If I’m going to marry anyone it’s that cute roadie for Miss May I…Danny…we’ve got a date at the next stop.” she smiled.

“Good for you. Anyhow we won a Grammy…I got knocked up….we got a new drummer who slept with Jimmy…Max and I broke up again because he was snorting coke….I had a baby….got married to Jade’s brother…Jade had a baby at the wedding…our kids grew up…Jade’s son knocked up Gerard Way and Jimmy and Harlow’s daughters, her other son was gay…then the babies were born…twins again and a little girl! Holy shit it was so real!”

“Okay no more blow jobs for Mykal. Apparently they make her crazy. Now I’m going back to bed. Goodnight.” Raleigh said and pulled the covers over her head.

“Same here.” Rose replied and the others soon followed suit.

“Do you think I’m nuts?” I asked Max as I climbed back in bed.

“Nuts? Nah…you just have weird dreams. It happens to all of us.” he said pulling me close.

“Okay.” I replied snuggling in closer.

“Hey I have a question.” he said.

“Mhmm?” I asked.

“In that dream we were boyfriend and girlfriend right?” he asked.

“Yeah and engaged at points too.” I replied with a yawn.

“Well I don’t know about being engaged but I’d like to make part of that dream come true.” he said.

“Max Green are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” I asked.

“You bed.” he replied.

“Then yes.” I smiled.

He smiled back and kissed me softly, “Goodnight.”

“Night.” I replied.

As I fell asleep I had a smile on my face. My dream may have not been real but god only knew what would happen in real life.
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IT WAS ALL A DREAM!!!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!