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My Essay


Have you ever wondered where to spend your life after you retire from your current job? Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe you have even chosen London, France, or Australia to spend your retiree days. But, have you thought about retiring here in the Philippines? The Philippines is an archipelago in South East Asia that is made up of 7, 107 islands. Its residents are one of the most hospitable people that inhabit this planet. Let me prove this by citing an example. Imagine that you are walking to the park with a book tucked under your arm. Now, imagine yourself sitting under a mango tree in the park and opening your book. It is quite a relaxing thought is it not? I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that you can read a book under a mango tree in some other country. Yes, you can do that but it is only here in the Philippines where people you know and don’t know will greet you a good morning, afternoon, or evening with a smile and nod whether they know you or not.

In this essay, I will cite to you the problems and solutions for retirees and where to spend their retiree days.
Are you looking for a country where you can communicate with the people in the simplest way possible? Filipinos are good English speakers. English might not be our native tongue, but we excel in the English language. Despite the many local dialects, Filipinos use English as a means of instruction.

What about the climate and the geography? Most people prefer the heat of the sun over the damp coldness of snow. The Philippines only has two seasons. The rainy season and the sunny season. You can do a lot of things on both seasons. For example, you can go kite flying during the sunny season while you can curl up on your sofa and read a book during the rainy season.

The cost of living? The Philippines appeals to tourists and retirees alike because of its low living costs. Everything that you will buy here is reasonably priced. Fruits and vegetables that are in season are cheaper than those not in season. The Philippines’s currency is the Philippine Peso, wherein an American dollar costs much more than it costs in the United States of America. Plus, you can exchange American dollars, Euros, Pounds, Yen, Australian dollars at almost any mall, hotel, bank, and authorized money changing shops at a high exchange rate. The Philippines offers a whole lot of products ranging from the newest and trendiest fashion apparels to the oldest of postage stamps which can be found not only in luxurious department stores but also in cheap bargain stores which are all reasonably priced.

Are you looking for world-class medical and health services? The Philippines might be a small and average country, but we harbor medical facilities that can compete with the world’s top hospitals. Not only the hospitals here in the Philippines are great, but also the staff that makes the hospitals. These people are in demand all over the world not only for their competence but also for their hospitality and compassion for their patients.
Hospitality? If you are looking for hospitality within the people of the country, then the Philippines is surely the place to be. Filipinos are known to be the happiest people in the world. We Filipinos always pass even the worst of situations with smiles on our faces. We like to make new friends that’s why we smile and greet even those people whom we have never even met. When you walk out of your house and onto the streets, you will see Filipinos hustling and bustling about, but they never forget to give you even the simplest of smiles and head nods when you look their way.
Are you a foodie? If you are, then you’d better brace yourself for the uniqueness of Filipino food. From luxurious restaurants to sidewalk stands. You will enjoy every dish that is served to you. The food here is divided into two groups: one group is not for the fainthearted, while the other one is for those who just want to experience the scrumptiousness that is Filipino cuisine. For the daring foodies, we have a variety of dishes that you can only taste the authenticity when bought from the Philippines and not in any other country. One example is the ‘balut’ or fertilized duck egg. It is basically an underdeveloped duck egg that is boiled like when you make hard boiled eggs. Another example of an exotic dish is fried frog legs. Moving on to those that are just for those who just want to eat, eat, and eat. We have spicy dishes, sweet dishes, creamy dishes, and a whole lot more.
If you are one for festivals and other celebrations, then you will love it here in the Philippines. Filipinos love to celebrate even the tiniest of events. Whether it be a wedding or their dog’s birthday, Filipinos will always celebrate because we like to associate with our friends over mounds of mouthwatering food. We have a lot of festivals here. An example is the Feast of the Black Nazarene that is celebrated every 9th of January at Quiapo, Manila. It centers around the image of the Black Nazarene that was brought here from Mexico during the Spanish regime. The festival is basically a procession of thousands of devotees that all believe that the image has healing powers during its feast day.
Another example of a festival that is well-known is the Ati-Atihan that is held every 16th to 22nd of January at Kalibo, Aklan in celebration of the Sto. Nino. People watch this festival not only because of the dancers as well as the lively dances, but also for the very colorful costumes that cling on to the dancers’s black-painted bodies.

If you like seeing people dressed in their best attire, well, the Santacruzan is the festival for you. It is held every 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of May all over the Philippines. It is another religious festival that commemorates St. Helena’s finding of the “True Cross”. This festival centers around the Reina Elena who is always accompanied by a little boy posing as King Constantine while the other young ladies all dress up as representations of different biblical characters and walk under beautifully decorated arches.
If you are one with an over-enthusiastic Holiday spirit, then the San Fernando Giant Lantern Festival is the festival for you. It is held every December at Ermita, Manila. As the name implies, it is a festival of giant lanterns. Wherever you look, you will find very big and beautiful lanterns. It is surely a festival not only for you but also for the whole family.

Are you looking for breathtaking sceneries? Aside from the unique festivals that are celebrated here in the Philippines, we also have God-given gifts that can rival those of other countries. One widely known beach resort that boasts of its milky white sand and clear waters is Boracay island. This is the perfect place to spend sunny days during summer here in the Philippines. You can do countless activities here, whether it be on dry land or in the sea.

If you prefer to reside in mountains, we have Baguio city to boast of. With its tall pine trees and cold climate, it will be just like a home away from home. Not to mention the delicacies that you can acquire in Baguio City.
We may not have a Disneyland theme park here in the Philippines, but we do have Enchanted Kingdom which is similar to Disneyland. It is designed after the Knott’s Berry Farm and is a member of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA). You can spend a fun-filled day at Enchanted Kingdom without worrying about the hassles of driving since it is only a short five-minute ride from the Sta. Rosa tollgate of the South Luzon Expressway.
If you want to live the high life, then we have Makati City for you. It is considered the financial capital of the country since it houses tall skyscrapers of business magnates from all over the world. It also houses blocks and blocks of malls for those shop-a-holics, the liveliest bars and music lounges for those who just want to let loose and party.

Is the quiet lifestyle what you are after? The Philippines has lots of suburbs. Though the Philippines can be considered as a modern country, some towns have not lost their provincial and suburban appeal. One example is Las Pinas city that is located in the southern part of Metro Manila. This suburban area harbors the famous bamboo organ that is housed in the picturesque Catholic church.
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