Can't Help But Wish

Slimy banana.

I walked back into the bedroom with Liam. I found Zacky laying on the bed with his eyes wide open. He was staring up at the ceiling. I sat down on the bed and put Liam down on the bed.
”Look who's here!” I told Liam with a grin and pointed at Zacky who had sat up on the bed.
”Aren't you the two of my favourite people, and in the same room, too!” Zacky exclaimed with a grin as he pulled his son into a hug. I heard Liam giggle and I couldn't help but laugh. They were adorable.
”Go give mommy a hug, too,” Zacky told the little boy between us.
”Daddeee!” Liam chirped and didn't let go of Zacky.

After a moment Liam laid down on the bed and kept holding Zacky's hand tightly. I looked at Zacky and caught him staring at me.
”This is how it's supposed to be,” He told me and nodded, ”You see? We make a family.”
”You're not going to ask me to marry you again, are you? Because I'll kick you out right away if...”
”Chels, I'm not going to ask you to marry me,” Zacky said with a laugh, ”Calm the fuck down.”
”Watch your mouth around the kid.”
”Sorry. What I was saying, I'm going to leave Gena.” I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
”Why would you do that?”
”I don't love her like I used to. And I want you back,” He told me.
”Do you realize how much shit I'll get from everyone?”
”Watch your mouth.”
”The thing is, no one really likes Gena. The only reason people try to like her is that she's my girlfriend. Even Val doesn't like her and Val likes everyone.” Zacky laughed.
”You do realize that if you leave her and we get back together, things may not work? We broke up for a reason. And that same reason is still there,” I told him.
”And what would that reason be?”
”Things happened so fast. That's how it still is.”
”You don't have to overthink about everything, Chels,” He told me. I looked down at our kid. Liam mumbled something which I couldn't quite understand and then he tried to bite Zacky's finger.
”No, Liam,” Zacky told him sternly. Then he pulled his hand away from the kid. And Liam started crying. I picked him up from the bed and held him against my chest.
”Maybe you should go home and think about this before you do something stupid,” I told Zacky. He sighed and shook his head but got up from the bed anyway.

When Zacky had left and Liam calmed down, I went into the kitchen to give Liam some food. We both were sitting around the table when I noticed a note on the table. I grabbed the piece of paper and read it.

We broke up because I was on tour all the time. But I promise I won't be away all the time if you take me back. Just think about it. Liam needs his dad. Z

Of course he would say how much Liam needed his dad. But he was right. He did need him. I was still really confused about everything. I felt like we were living our mistakes again. It would all lead into a break up once again, I was sure about that. Things were going too fast and we needed to slow down. It was just too much, too soon.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Liam. He started crying when I didn't give him any attention.
”I'm right here,” I told him with a soft smile. He stopped crying and looked at me with his big eyes. Then he handed me a piece of banana (which had propably just been in his mouth). Gross.
”Put it in your mouth,” I told him. No. He just threw it at my face.
”Thanks babe,” I said and wiped the slimy piece of the damn banana off my face.
”This is the last time you're ever eating banana,” I told him. Of course he wouldn't understand anything but the word banana.
”Daddee! Mommee!”
”Mommy's here.”
”Daddee?” Obviously Liam missed Zacky and it broke my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay! So, it's been quite a while, eh? The thing is, I broke my computer (which means that all my stories and other stuff is gone) and I won't be able to update as often as I did before. This sucks very much and I was pissed off at myself for a long time. Then I realized that life goes on and I could always write everything again. So that's what I'm doing right now.