Can't Help But Wish

How rude!

Let me tell you one thing. Liam was the best kid I had ever known in my life. And not only because he was my child, but because he really was awesome and everyone loved him.

One time I was shopping with him when a group of girls stopped me. I didn't know them but they obviously knew me. Well, anyway, they asked me if I was Zacky Vengeance's girlfriend.
”No, I'm not,” I told them and shook my head. Because that was the truth, wasn't it?
”Yes you are! I have seen you two together! And that's his child, too!” One of the girls exclaimed and pointed at my child. Bitch, no pointing at my child, please.
”I don't know what you're talking about,” I told her. She must've been around 18 and she looked pretty smug.
”No need to play dumb, girl,” She said.
”No need to be dumb, girl,” I said and smiled my bitchy smile.
”Can we get a picture of your kid?” She asked then. Okay, seriously? I don't care if my kid's father had been Brad Pitt, but fuck, you can't take a picture of him.
”Can I get a picture of your mom, then?” I asked and cocked an eyebrow. I made sure I was holding Liam's hand tightly as he stood next to my feet, kind of behind me.
”What? Look, if he's Zacky's child then...”
”What is your problem? Do I want to get a picture of your child? No? Then why do you feel the need to have a picture of my kid?” I asked. I was honestly getting annoyed.
”Because he's Zacky's kid!”
”He's my kid!”
”Look, Kate, let's just go...” One of the girl's friends said. And that's when Liam did something awesome. He took a step forward and lifted his hand up. And flipped the girl off. He actually gave her the middle finger and man did I feel proud of him. The girl, Kate, gasped
”How rude!” She exclaimed.
”Good boy,” I told Liam and ruffled his hair. He just giggled and kept flipping her off (by the way I had no idea who had taught him that).
”I sure hope that's not Zacky's child. His child would never be that rude!” The girl was absolutely furious and I found it funny.
”If only you knew,” I said and winked at her. And then I left.

Then there was another time when I was at my mother's place with Zacky and Liam. Zacky and I weren't dating back then or anything. It had been a few months ago. Well, anyway, my mom wanted to see Zacky and that's why we were at her place. We were all sitting in the kitchen and mom was holding Liam.
”So, Zacky, how's your life?” Mom asked.
”Uh, it's all right, I guess,” Zacky said and shrugged (remember that we had not had sex yet. He was happy with Gena).
”Do you plan on going on tour soon?” Mom asked him.
”I'm not sure yet,” He said. And that's when Liam did something awkward. He lifted his hand up and stuffed his finger straight into my mom's nosehole. Mom shrieked in pain and pulled Liam's hand away from her nose. Call me a bad mother but I just laughed.
”Chelsea! This is not funny!” Mom exclaimed and held her nose. And suddenly her nose began to bleed. Soon there was blood everywhere. Damn. How deep did Liam really get? Zacky grabbed Liam quickly and sat him down on his lap as mom got up and grabbed a piece of paper, holding it against her nose. Call me a bad daughter but I just couldn't stop laughing at my mom. Mom stormed out of the room.

A moment later she came back with a smile on her lips (and her nose wasn't bleeding anymore, thank god). She picked Liam up from Zacky's lap and kissed the kid's cheek.
”I'm okay now, Liam,” She told him. Weird shit, I tell you. ”But that wasn't nice. You can't put your finger into other people's noseholes.”
”Mom, he doesn't understand,” I told her.
”No one's mad at you, honey, don't worry,” Mom chose to ignore me.

The point was that Liam was awesome. Not only because he flipped random girls off, but because he could make people bleed too. Okay, I was kidding. He was the best kid I could ever have and nothing would change that.
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Vengeance_foREVer and
majoji for your awesome comments!