Can't Help But Wish

This is nice.

I guess I was in trouble. Because Zacky had left Gena for me. And now he was standing in front of me at my front door with his suitcases.

Let me tell you how it all started. A few nights ago Zacky had texted me that he was going to do it. He was going to leave Gena. I, of course, tried to tell him not to do that because that would make me the reason for that. Everyone would blame me for ruining their relationship, which I didn't even try to do. Then the next day Zacky texted me again and told me that he couldn't do it. Go figure. And then the next day, which was today, he called me that he left Gena. And Gena was going nuts. She had literally fucked up their whole house. She had thrown all their plates to the floor and made sure there was not a single glass left unbroken. She had smacked Zacky and tried to (propably) kill him, too. Weird shit, I tell you.

And then, there he was. Zacky was standing in front of me. His cheek was red and I could almost see a handprint on it. His hair was messy and he looked like he had just been in a fight (which was true, though) but somehow he still seemed to be happy as he looked at me. He had a soft smile on his lips and a cigarette in his hand.
”What exactly are you going to do now?” I asked quietly and leaned against the doorframe, crossing my arms over my chest.
”I don't know. If I could stay here for a while... Until I find a place for myself or Gena gets her shit out of my house...” He shrugged.
”You know, I'm not going to get back together with you. Not after all that's happened,” I said quietly. He shrugged once again.
”You don't have to admit it to yourself, but I know you will. I'll make you do it,” He murmured and winked at me. Then he put out his cigarette and grabbed two of his suitcases and carried them in.
”Yeah, whatever.” I helped him carry his stuff inside and then I closed the door.
”Where's my boy?” Zacky asked then.
”He's sleeping. It's almost nine,” I said.
”What? Why? I want to watch TV with my kid!”
”Shh! Look, this is my house. He is my kid. And these are my rules,” I told him.
”Alright, alright. Take it easy, woman,” He said and winked at me before walking to the couch and sitting down.
”And let me get this straight. You can't drink beer if you're with Liam. And you can't bring anyone here if he's sleeping.”
”Jesus, Chels, what's with all these rules?” He asked with a laugh.
”Just so you know, I'm trying my best to be a good mother to our son. He needs to have a healthy, steady home.”
”Fine. Come here,” He said and patted the spot next to him on the couch. I did as told and sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
”See? This is nice,” He murmured quietly. He was right. It really was quite nice.
”Yeah... Zacky?”
”Yeah, Chels?”
”What exactly did you say to Gena?”
”That I've realized she and I aren't meant to be together. That I've realized it's not her who I want to be with,” He said with a shrug.
”And uh... She doesn't know you're here, does she?” I asked carefully.
”Nope. I don't want her to come here,” He said, ”Not when she's out of her mind.”
”And, uh... You should try to avoid her... I kind of told her that, uh, I've spent nights with you...” My eyes flew wide open.
”Zacky Baker! You idiot!” I exclaimed and slapped his shoulder, ”I'm going to get killed!”
”Oh, calm down, baby. It's not like she would or even could do anything like that.”
”Don't call me baby!”
”Don't shout. Our child is sleeping,” He told me.
”I cannot believe you! This is exactly what I didn't want to happen!”
”Hey, hey.” Suddenly his voice was soft and he was moving his hand up to my face. His face was close to mine as he looked straight into my eyes, biting his lip.
”I'm here for you. I won't let anything happen to you. I've got it under control. Trust me, babe,” He murmured quietly, ”Okay?” I nodded and sighed, leaning my head against his chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. He rested his head against mine.
”I had to do this. I couldn't keep living with her when all the time I wanted to be here with you. I need to make things right again. I want us to be together. I want us to be there for that little kid in that room,” He murmured and pointed at Liam's room.
”Oh Zacky,” I sighed, ”I didn't know you could talk like that.”
”Just wait until I really start,” He murmured and kissed the top of my head. I just laughed and shook my head.

Was this a new start for us? Could we really make it this time? Had something really changed? Or was I, just like I thought, in a big trouble?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm having a good day! Life is just awesome right now. I can't even remember when was the last time I felt like this!

I love all of your comments and I can't thank you enough so thank you everyone for commenting! This one goes to HannahGatesXx,, Vengeanc3FoREVer and majoji!