Can't Help But Wish

Only when it comes to you.

I woke up when someone touched my nose. My eyes fluttered open and I saw my son's face in front of mine. He had a grin on his face and he looked exactly like Zacky as he stared at me.

”What are you doing, Liam?” I mumbled with a soft smile.

”Mommee!” he chirped and pinched my nose with his fingers.

”Ow,” I whined, ”Lay down next to mommy.” He did as told and wrapped his arms around my neck as he got down next to me. That's when Zacky walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where we were.

”Liam! How did you get in here?” Zacky asked and cocked an eyebrow as he sat down on the bed. Liam didn't say anything and I was guessing he was about to fall asleep. The funny thing was that Liam had been recently sleeping a lot and he could fall asleep in just a few seconds. But that was a good thing, I guess.

”How are you feeling?” Zacky asked me quietly and touched my cheek gently.

”A lot better,” I nodded, ”I think it's because I got some sleep.”

”Do you remember at all what happened last night?” he asked suddenly.


”You were pretty feverish and, uh, wanted to have sex - really bad,” he told me with a laugh. My eyes went wide.

”No way!” He just nodded.

”Oh god, no! What did I do?”

”Well... You groped me every once in a while and wouldn't let me sleep on the couch and then you HAD TO suck my d- well, you know.” D-? Dick? That's when I realized that maybe he didn't want to talk about his dick when Liam was there...

Because once we had talked about boobs (I can't remember why, though...) and Liam was there, listening to the conversation. Then, later that night, he suddenly said ”boobs” and then a moment later he said it again. And for the rest of the night, his only (and favourite) word was ”boobs”.

”Oh no.” I buried my face in my hands as I blushed, ”I feel so bad now.” He laughed and patted my thigh with his hand.

”I didn't mind it, though, it's been a while since you've wanted to do that,” he murmured with a wink.


”I'm serious,” he said, ”I like having sex with you. You're my favourite girl.”

”Hmpfh, well, thanks.”

”Well, I'm taking Liam back to bed,” he said as he got up from the bed. Carefully, he lifted our son up from the bed without waking him up. He started walking out of my bedroom.

”Zacky?” He stopped in the doorway and looked at me again.


”I, uh... I love you,” I said quietly. An adorable grin found its way to his lips.

”I love me too,” he said then and my face dropped.

”Oh, very funny,” I muttered and rolled my eyes.

”I think it was funny,” he admitted with a shrug.

”Zachary Baker!”

”Fine, fine. I love you too, Chels.”

Later that day, when it was a night already, I started to feel sick again. Zacky and I were laying on a couch, watching some sappy love movie and eating ice cream.

”You know, I used to do this with my best friend when I was fifteen and some guy had just dumped me,” I said quietly and looked at Zacky. He put away the ice cream and patted my legs that were resting on his lap.

”Eat ice cream and watch movies that are utter bullshit?”

”Mmhm, yeah.”

”That's really sad, Chels,” he said with a laugh, ”Were you really that pathetic?”

”I wasn't pathetic... I was young and stupid,” I said with a shrug.

”And really sexy. I've soon tons of pictures of you as a fifteen-year-old,” he said with a wink.


”Only when it comes to you, baby.”

”Is Liam in bed?” I asked. He nodded.

”You should propably go too,” he said quietly, ”And get some rest. Or you'll never get better.”

”Maybe. Will you sleep with me?”

”Sleeping as in sex or as in just sleeping?” he asked and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

”Sleeping as in only sleeping.”

”Either way is fine. I won't say no to you,” he murmured and leaned closer. He pulled my face closer and kissed my lips. I put my hand on his forehead and pushed his face away.

”Oh, come on. Let me kiss you while I can. I haven't kissed you all day!” he whined. I rolled my eyes and almost shat my pants when he suddenly kissed me so roughly that the back of my head hit the sofa. I moaned into his mouth and tried to breathe while he kissed me passionately. And we weren't even dating and yet we acted like a couple, which I found weird. But hey, what the hell, I wasn't going to complain. If he wanted to kiss me, I wouldn't stop him this time.

Because as stupid as it propably was, I was falling in love with him again. And I didn't mean just being in love, I meant like REALLY loving someone with all that you were. And it scared me because of our past.
♠ ♠ ♠
I won't be able to update in a few weeks because I'm going to AUSTRALIA!
Remember to leave a comment! :-)