Can't Help But Wish

All day, every day.

”Babe! I got something for you!” I exclaimed and closed the door behind me. I put down my bags and grabbed a magazine from my purse. I went into the livingroom where I found my two boys.

”What is it?” Zacky asked with a grin. Zacky and Liam were laying on a couch, watching TV. It looked so adorable. Liam was laying on his stomach on Zacky's chest and staring at the TV with his wide eyes.

”I wasn't talking to you,” I told Zacky, ”Liam! Mommy got something for you!”

”He's falling asleep,” Zacky told me. I rolled my eyes.

”No he isn't. I can see his eyes are wide open,” I muttered, ”Liam, look!” But my baby didn't even flinch. He just lay there, watching the TV screen.

”What's wrong with him?” I asked, suddenly getting really worried. Had something happened? Why wasn't he reacting? I rushed to him and pressed my hand against his forehead.

”He's sick,” Zacky said, ”A bit feverish.”

”What?” My eyes went wide, ”Why didn't you call me? Did you go to the doctor already? What
did he say? What's going on?”

”Calm down, Chels, he's not going to die,” Zacky said and rolled his eyes.

”He needs a blanket!” I exclaimed and walked furiously to the other couch. I grabbed the blanket and put it over Liam and Zacky.

”No he doesn't. He's hot as hell,” Zacky told me, ”Go away. You're only making it worse.”

”Did you see a doctor?” I asked, ignoring his demands.

”I called that Dr. Whatever-the-hell-his-name-is. He told to give him rest and lots of sleep. If it gets worse, we need to call him again.”

”Why didn't you call me as soon as possible? I need to know about these kinds of things!”

”Shh! Shut up, will you?”

”I'm worried!”

”I understand. I didn't want to disturb your free time,” he said.

”I don't care about my free time if my child is sick,” I muttered. I looked at Liam who had closed his eyes and was propably asleep already.

”Well, there's no need to worry about it anymore. Let's get him to bed.” Zacky sat up carefully as he tried not wake our son up. He carried him into the baby's room and put him to bed.


As he walked out of the room, he turned off the lights and closed the door.

”We should propably go check on him later,” He said quietly. I nodded and sat down on the couch, burying my head in my hands. I sighed deeply.

”What's wrong, Chels?” Zacky sat down next to me and I felt his hand on my back. He rubbed it soothingly.

”I'm worried about Liam,” I mumbled and looked at him.

”There's really no need to worry. He's going to be alright,” Zacky told me as he pulled me against his side, kissing the top of my head.

”Yeah, but he doesn't feel good. He's in pain,” I mumbled against his shirt as I rested my head on his chest.

”He's asleep, baby. So did you have fun today?” He asked then. I shrugged.

”I guess so,” I muttered.

”What was it that you had bought for the kid?”

”Oh, it's just something stupid...”

”Show me. Please.”

”Well, okay...” I grabbed the magazine from the table where I'd put it and opened it. A poster fell out and I took it from the floor. Zacky grabbed it from my hand and stared at it.

”What is this? Avenged Sevenfold? Zacky Vengeance? Johnny Christ, M. Shadows, Synyster Gates? You bought posters of us for our kid?” Zacky exclaimed with an amused look on his face.

”This is stupid, Chels!”

”I didn't BUY those posters, I bought the magazine and they happened to be there...”

”And you were going to give these to Liam? Oh my god, what kind of a psycho do I have a child with...”

”I'm going to put it on his wall and he can look at your pretty face all day EVERY day,” I said quietly. He kissed the top of my head again.

”That's nice of you. I would do the same if you were in a famous band,” he said with a chuckle.

”Watch out or you'll get too cocky.”

”Not possible.”

We sat there in silence for a moment, before I opened my mouth again.

”I should propably go see if Liam is okay,” I mumbled quietly.

”Yeah. But Chels, please, stop worrying so much,” Zacky said as we got up from the couch.

”I can't. This is about my son. I feel like I can't worry enough,” I admitted with a sigh. He bit his lip before pulling me into a hug.

”Thanks, Zacky,” I mumbled against his chest before he pulled away and looked at my face, resting his hands on my shoulders.

”For what?” he asked.

”For helping me and... Yeah. Just for being there for us,” I said quietly.

”I will always be here. Don't worry about that.” Before letting me go, he kissed my lips quickly and patted my shoulder.

Oh man. I was in love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Stuck at an airport......