Can't Help But Wish

We had sex.

It was amazing how fast time was going by. I couldn't believe my eyes as I walked into my son's room and found him sitting on his bed with a big smile on his face.

”It's your birthday, Liam!” I exclaimed with a smile as I walked to his little bed. It was his big day. He was turning two and I was so proud of him. He was such a big boy already!

”You're going to get cake and lots of presents and good food and tons of love!” I chirped and picked him up. He giggled and hugged my neck. I started to walk out of his room, only to come face to face with Zacky in the doorway.

”Well look who it is! My favourite son!” Zacky exclaimed with a smile as he took Liam from my hands.

”Your ONLY son,” I pointed out, ”Hopefully.”

”Actually, he's my third son...”

”You jerk, that's not something to joke about!”

”I know. I'm sorry.”

I followed them into the kitchen where Zacky gave Liam breakfast. And guess what it was? Cake. My kid had an awesome father, I tell you.

”Do you like the cake?” I asked as I looked at Liam. His mouth was full of chocolate cake and he had a grin on his cute little face. He nodded and tried to speak but only ended up spitting cake out of his mouth.

”That's my boy,” Zacky said with a laugh as he ruffled the kid's hair.

”You're so cute!” I chirped and cupped Liam's cheek with my hand.

”Chels, boys aren't cute. They are handsome and badass and everything but not cute,” Zacky said and rolled his eyes, ”Duh.”

”But my kid is cute!” I exclaimed.

”Stop saying that.”

”Never. Why do you have a problem with me saying he's cute? Or with the fact that his favourite toy is a pony?” I asked and cocked an eyebrow.

”I'm just saying, if he had lived all his life with me, he wouldn't play with ponies,” Zacky said.

”Are you saying that I haven't been a good mother?”

”No. I'm just saying you're ruining our child. You even make him watch Sex and the City!”

”He likes to watch Sex and the City!” I exclaimed.

”Oh, let me guess who his favourite character is? Samantha?”

”How did you know?”

”Because that's not who he is, that's who you are! Your favourite is Samantha, you like ponies,
you're cute!” he told me.

”I don't like ponies...”

”That's not the point,” he said with a laugh, ”You're raising him like he's a girl!”

”Well maybe that's your fault. You haven't been around enough. He needs a father, too. You need to fix your own mistakes,” I said with a shrug.

”Maybe you're right.”


At four in the afternoon I opened the front door and came face to face with my mom. She was looking happy and she had a big gift box in her hands.

”Where's my little angel?” mom asked as she pushed me out of her way, walking into our house. As she walked into the livingroom, she noticed that Zacky was there, too.

”Oh, so I'm not the first one here, am I?” mom asked and put the gift down on a table.

”Actually, mom, Zacky is kind of, uh, living here...”

”What? Don't tell me you two are dating, honey,” mom looked shocked as she looked at me. I shook my head.

”We're not dating,” I said quickly. Zacky snorted.


”What do you mean, yet? Chelsea, is there something you're not telling me?” mom asked.

”Mrs. Mills, do you have a problem with me? Because if you do, I'd be more than happy to clear things up between us,” Zacky said, trying to stay as polite as possible.

”Why yes, yes I do. You seem to ruin my daughter's life and I'm not going to let you do that to my grandson, too. I don't know what my daughter sees in you, but she needs to let go. You're not good enough for her,” mom said. Oh jeez, the whole situation was getting more than awkward. I had no idea mom disliked Zacky so much.

”Mom, stop that,” I muttered as I got embarrassed.

”No, no, let her speak,” Zacky said and crossed his arms over his chest. I could tell he was ready to start fighting with my mom.

”Where were you when Chelsea needed you? Oh, that's right. You were with another woman while she was here alone with your child. What kind of a father are you?” mom muttered.

”What's with your need to throw shit at my face? Have I ever done anything to you? You don't even know me,” Zacky said and shook his head, ”I'm the best father my kid could ever have. So stop talking shit, Mrs. Mills.”

”Oh my god, stop it you two, will you? It's Liam's birthday. Do I need to throw you out of here?” I asked. They shook their heads.

”I'm going to leave,” mom muttered. My eyes shot wide open.

”What? You can't leave because of something stupid like that!” I exclaimed.

”I don't want to watch you act like a family,” she said.

”Mom! What is wrong with you? If you don't want to be here then that's fine. But do it for your grandson,” I begged, ”Please, mom.”

”Fine. I'll stay,” she mumbled and walked into Liam's room where he was sleeping.

”Great job, Zacky,” I mumbled under my breath. He rolled his eyes.

”She's being a bitch,” he whined.

”Just ignore it, then!”

Matt, Val, Brian, Michelle, Johnny, Lacey all arrived soon after that. I was only glad more people were there because that way Zacky and my mom didn't have to be around each other all the time.

Liam got loads of presents (no ponies, though... Zacky must've told everyone NOT to bring him a pony) and he was really happy. I was glad to see my baby with a big smile on his face.

And after the party, Zacky and I had some sex.

Wait, what?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm about to fall asleep but I decided to update this for you, so here you go & have a goodnight!