Can't Help But Wish

I love you too!


I think I liked Miami very much, even though I had only sat in a car so far. The place looked awesome, the sun was shining and everyone seemed to be somewhat happy. Zacky was driving with his sunglasses on (and may I add that he looked pretty sexy) and the radio was on. We were listening to Lady Gaga because, well, everyone loves Gaga. Even Zacky thought it was okay.

”Why do you keep checking your phone all the time?” Zacky asked and grabbed my phone from my hands. He put it in his pocket, making sure that I couldn't take it back.

”Well someone could call me,” I said and shrugged.

”Like who?”

”Like who? Well, like, your parents, my mom... Anyone.”

”Are you worrying about Liam again?” he asked, ”Because he's a tough guy. He can live a few days without his mom.”

”But he's only two years old!” I exclaimed and turned off the radio.

”You want to know why I know he will be alright? He's my son. He's learned from the master.”

”Well, either way, can I have my phone back? Please?” I asked.

”Hmm, let me think. No?”

”Well, why not?”

”Because you worry too much, Chelsea,” he told me and patted my thigh with his hand, ”And because, well, let's face it. No one's going to call you.”

”That's mean, Zacky.”

”It's who I am.”

”I hope that Liam won't grow up to be like you...”

”Oi, oi, oi! Watch your mouth, woman!”

It took another hour or so for us to arrive at Brian's summer place and apparently everyone else were there already. We got our bags out of the car and walked straight to the backyard where everyone was.

”Aww, Chels, Zacky!” Val exclaimed with a smile as she ran to us. Everyone else stayed by the pool and said hi's and hey's to us. Val hugged us both.

”You made it!” she exclaimed.

”We did. Don't sound so surprised,” Zacky said with a laugh, ”I know how to drive to Miami.”

”Well... I remember once you didn't know how to drive to our old apartment... And then, there was this one time when you didn't know the way to Matt's parents' place... And then – ”

”Okay, so, I'm getting pretty hungry!” Zacky exclaimed, cutting Val off.

”You know I'm right,” Val said with a laugh, ”You suck at navigating!” Zacky just laughed and wrapped his arm around Val and my shoulders.

Later that night when it was getting dark already Zacky and I were walking at the beach. It was nice to be alone with him and just walk on the sand and hold hands. The whole beach looked beautiful and the only people we saw were couples, holding hands and walking, just like us.

”This is nice,” I said and looked at his face as we kept walking.

”It is,” he admitted, ”Do you want go into the water?”

”Isn't it cold? And I don't have my bikini with me!”

”Neither do I,” he said with a laugh, ”Let's go with our clothes on.”

”Should we?”

”Come on, it'll be fun,” he promised and pulled me towards the water. My feet got wet and I shivered.

”This is really cold!” I exclaimed but he kept pulling me deeper into the water until it reached my waist. He pulled me against his body and hugged me.



”I love you,” he said quietly. I smiled.

”I love you too!”

”Well, good,” he mumbled and leaned down to kiss me softly.

”I know what we should do,” he said as he grabbed my hand again and started pulling me even deeper into the water.


”Have sex, here,” he said as he stopped walking. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. I had to wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

”Someone could see...” I mumbled. He laughed and gave me another kiss.

”So what? No one cares,” he told me.

”Well, let me down so I can pull my jeans down...” I mumbled as he put me down. I managed to pull down my jeans only a bit as he did the same. Then he picked me up once again and started kissing me. I ran my hands through his hair as I felt him enter me. I moaned into his mouth, and so began the passionate lovemaking in the water.
♠ ♠ ♠
So... It's been a while, eh? I've been super busy with some stuff so I haven't had the time to update all my stories so I'm sorry about that. But anyway, thank you very much for reading and thanks for all the awesome comments, keep them coming my way! Goodnight/day/whatever it is! :-)