Can't Help But Wish

I do, I do

”But I'm so tired...” I mumbled as Zacky dragged me behind him into the kitchen where Brian and Michelle were sitting and eating breakfast.

”Good morning,” Michelle said as Zacky sat me down and handed me a bottle of water.

”Morning,” I mumbled.

”What are you two up to?” Brian asked as Zacky made himself a cup of coffee while I drank my water.

”I don't know. He felt the need to wake me up this early...” I mumbled and pointed at my boyfriend who was grinning like a fool as he sat down next to me.

”We're going to the beach and later I'm taking her out to eat,” Zacky told them.

”I don't want to go to the beach now.”

”No one asked you,” Zacky said with a laugh, ”Besides, we're doing this my way today.”

”Mmhm, right...” I mumbled, ”I want to call your mom first. I want to know how Liam's doing.”

”Oh, I already called her. Everything's fine,” Zacky said and patted my shoulder.

”Well I still want to call her,” I said.

”You're worrying again.”

”Exactly. We're talking about my son here,” I said and rolled my eyes.

”OUR son.”

”Just let her call your mom if it makes her feel better,” Brian said with a laugh.

”Fine. Eat something while I get your phone,” Zacky said and ruffled my hair as he left the room.

”Did you two have sex last night or was it Val and Matt?” Michelle whispered to me as soon as Zacky had gone. My eyes flew wide open. This time it really hadn't been us but what shocked me was that she even asked me that. Michelle had never been one to talk about people's sex lives, unlike her sister Val.

”Michelle,” Brian said with a laugh, ”Leave the poor girl alone.”

”I couldn't sleep all night! I want to know who kept me awake,” she said.

”Don't worry, it definitely wasn't us,” I told her.

”It must've been Matt and Val...” Michelle said just as Zacky came back into the kitchen.

”What did Matt and Val do?” Zacky asked, joining the conversation as he handed me my phone.

”Kept Michelle up all night,” Brian said.

”What did they do?”

”Had, uh, sex.”

”No they didn't. We did,” Zacky told them. My eyes went wide open once again and I hit his arm.

”No we didn't!” I exclaimed, ”Stop being a jerk!”

”Okay, I'm sorry, baby,” he said with a laugh and put his hand on the back of my head before pulling my head closer. He gave me a kiss as I tried to push him away.

”Aww, that was cute!” Michelle exclaimed with a huge grin.

”We are cute,” Zacky told her. I rolled my eyes and dialed Zacky's mom's number.


”Why aren't they picking up the phone, Zacky?” I mumbled and put the phone down as I sighed. I had been trying to call Zacky's parents, both of them, but no one answered their phones and I was getting really worried.

”Look, Chels, they're propably out somewhere or something,” Zacky said, ”But I'm sure everything is just fine. You don't need to worry so much, okay?”

”If everything's fine, why don't they answer their phones? What if something's happened to them? Or to Liam? We need to go back – ”

”Listen, you're acting like a crazy! Calm down, okay? I don't want to see you like this. And we were supposed to go to the beach. And where are we? Stuck inside!”

”Well I'm not going anywhere until someone tells me my baby is okay!” I exclaimed and looked away from him. I was seriously so worried I was about to cry. What if something had happened?

”Call your mom. Ask her to go to my parents' place,” Zacky said. Oh... Why hadn't I thought of that? Maybe because I hadn't talked to my mom since she told us to get out of her house... I grabbed my phone and then called my mom.

”What do you want?” she asked as soon as she had picked up.

”Mom, listen, I need you to go to Zacky's parents' place and make sure that Liam is okay,” I said. She didn't say anything in the next few seconds.

”And why would I do that?”

”Because I'm begging you to do that! Please, mom!” I exclaimed. I looked at Zacky.

”Let me talk to her,” Zacky said and grabbed the phone from my hand.

”Listen, I don't give a fuck if you have something against me. You WILL go there and you WILL do whatever my girlfriend wants you to do because we're talking about my son. I'm not taking no as an answer,” Zacky said into the phone before ending the call. He looked at me.

”Is she going to go there?” I asked.

”She will if she ever wants to see my son again,” he said with a shrug, ”I'm getting tired of her. She better start thinking about other people, too, and not only herself.”

”You're right,” I said and nodded.

”So, can we go now? I'm really hungry,” he asked and pulled me up from the couch.

”I don't know, Zacky...”

”Come on, Chelsea, we might as well go out. Get something to eat, walk around the place,” he murmured and brushed my hair back as he looked at my lips before looking back into my eyes.

”Well, I guess I'm a bit hungry, too...” I admitted quietly and bit my lip.

”See? You'll feel better once you've had something to eat,” he promised and gave me a kiss.


So, we went out and got some food. I couldn't really eat because I was still so worried. But Zacky didn't seem to have problem with eating. In fact, he ate the rest of my food, too.

After that we headed out of the restaurant and that's when my phone rang. It was Zacky's mom.

”It's your mom!” I exclaimed and stopped walking before answering the phone.


”Hi, Chelsea! I'm sorry, honey, we have been outside all day and our phones have been inside!” she told me and I felt relieved. I let out a sigh and a smile found its way to my face.

”Is everything okay?” I asked.

”Yes. Everything is fine. Liam is taking a nap. And your mother came to see us, too,” she told me.

”Tell Liam that mommy loves him very much, will you? I just miss him so much,” I said with a sigh.

”I will tell him. And Chelsea, honey? Have fun. Don't worry so much. I'm sure Zacky has told you the same, but please, Liam isn't going anywhere and you might as well have fun while you're there,” she told me.

”I will. And thanks for taking care of him,” I said before ending the call.

”See? I told you everything was fine,” Zacky said and grabbed my hand as we continued walking back to his car.

”Do you ever worry about anything? Does anyone in your family worry?” I asked with a laugh as I looked at his face.

”Well... There are times when you need to worry. But sometimes you just need to relax and, well, not worry about everything. I guess that's what separates me from you,” he said with a laugh as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me against his side.

”You know, I really am glad that we're together,” I admitted, ”And, uh... I'm sorry I made you go through some stuff to get me back.”

”You know what, Chelsea? You're worth everything I've gone through,” he told me, ”And I like it when women aren't too easy to get.”

”Oh, I bet you do...” We had reached his car and he opened the door for me.

”Get in, woman,” he demanded. He closed the door for me before getting in, too.

”Where should we go?”

”I don't know. You tell me. I thought we were doing this your way today?” I asked and cocked an eyebrow.

”Oh... I got the perfect idea,” he said, ”Let's go buy some wine. And beer. And food and some movie.”

”We're staying in? I wanted to go walk on the beach in the dark,” I said.

”Well then we'll go do that.”



”Aww, I love you, honey.”

”I know you do.”

”You love me too,” I said.

”I do, I do.”