Can't Help But Wish

It's our first Christmas together.

I couldn't believe how excited I was because of Christmas. I had never been one to enjoy Christmas before I had a kid. After that, I loved buying Liam tons of presents and just being with him. And this was my first Christmas with Liam AND Zacky. This was our first Christmas as a family and I really couldn't have been more excited. Yay!

I woke up really early the day before Christmas because like I said, I was full of excitement. I left Zacky asleep in the bed as I marched downstairs and into my kid's room. Liam was laying awake in his bed. As he noticed me, he sat up with a grin.

”Good morning, mommy's little boy!” I exclaimed with a smile as I picked him up and put him down on the floor on his feet. Apparently he was still somewhat asleep because he walked into the wall and fell down on his little butt.

”Ow,” he mumbled and rubbed his forehead. He didn't even start crying! What an awesome kid! I pulled him up to his feet again and took a hold of his hand. We started walking into the livingroom.

”Are you hungry? Yes?” I asked as he nodded his head. He rubbed his eyes with his other hand, the one that wasn't holding mine, which looked extremely cute. I had to pick him up and give him a big kiss on the cheek. I took him into kitchen and gave him some breakfast.

”And then, your dad got down on his knee and asked me to marry him...” I trailed off as Zacky walked into the kitchen. I had been telling Liam the story of Zacky's proposal.

”What the hell are you telling him?” Zacky mumbled with a laugh. He stood in the doorway in his t-shirt and boxers, looking really groggy.

”Oh, nothing...” I said and shook my head, ”Just telling him how you proposed.”

”Do you think he even understands?”

”Does he need to? I talk to him all the time about everything,” I said with a shrug.

”Please tell me you don't tell him about our sex life,” he mumbled.

”Oh, please. Like you said, he doesn't even propably understand,” I said with a shrug.

”Oh, Jesus! Chelsea! Why would you ever tell a two-year-old about dick sucking – ”

”Oh, wow, wow, woooow!” I exclaimed and covered Liam's ears quickly.

”I swear to god, this kid will be ruined before he's eighteen,” I said with a laugh, ”We're bad parents.”

”So, tomorrow is Christmas. What have you bought me?” Zacky asked then as he walked to the table and sat down.

”Oh, nothing.” What had I really bought him? Well, absolutely nothing. I couldn't figure out what to get him so I decided that I would just have some really good sex with him or something like that.

”Oh, yeah, aren't you a good girlfriend,” he said, snorted and rolled his eyes.

”Well, what did you buy me?” I asked and cocked a brow.

”If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now, would it?”

”Oh so you did get me something? Aww, babe!” I exclaimed, suddenly getting excited again.

”I guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out if I was telling you the truth. What if I didn't get you anything?” he asked and cocked an eyebrow.

”Oh, but you did. I'm your girlfriend, soon to be wife, your baby's mommy. Of course you got me something,” I said with a grin. I leaned over the table and kissed him quickly.

”Oh yeah? Shouldn't you be getting ready?”

”For what?” I asked and cocked a brow. Had I forgotten something now?

”We were supposed to go see my parents today... And the guys after that...”

”Oh... Oh!” I exclaimed as it all came back to me, ”Of course!”

A few hours later I found myself in Zacky's car. Liam was at the back seat, asleep, while I was looking out of the window and thinking about... Money. I had never really been rich, nor had I ever even worked, but I still had some money to keep me and Liam alive and all that stuff. And then there was Zacky who had shitload of money. And I think I had started to feel bad that he was paying all our food and stuff. He had worked hard to get his money and I couldn't just use it like that.

”You know, Zacky... I don't want you to pay for my stuff anymore,” I said suddenly and turned to look at him. He looked at me quickly before looking back at the road.


”You know how you always buy the food, and yeah...”

”Look, I don't know why you started thinking about this now, but...”

”Do you think I should get a job?” I asked.

”Chelsea, this family has all the money it needs,” he said and patted my thigh with his right hand.

”Yeah, but it's your money,” I mumbled.

”No, no, no... I like to pay your things. I like to feel like you need me,” he told me.

”Oh, but Zacky! I don't want you to think that I only want you because of your money!”

”Who said I think like that?”

”I did!”

”Stop shouting. I know you love me and you're not after me because of my money. We were dating before I was this rich,” he said.

”And about that job – I'd rather keep you home taking care of the kid,” he finished and gave me a quick smile.

When we got to his parents' place, Liam was wide awake already. We went out to their backyard and the kid just ran around it for an hour or so. The rest of us sat on the porch and talked about stuff. His mom wanted to know everything about our relationship and his dad wanted to talk about cars. You know, just the normal stuff.

What surprised me was that my mom called me. And she had asked us to come over before Christmas which surprised me even more. So because I didn't want to be a complete bitch, I told her that we would stop by on our way home.

When we got to my mom's place, it was pretty awkward at first. We stood in her livingroom as she held Liam. We mostly just stared furiously at the floor.

”So, uh... I want to... Apologize,” she said before she took a deep breath in.

”Oh, really?” Zacky asked her as he crossed his eyes over his chest. Oh, I had the feeling that he wasn't going to let her get it easy...

”Yes. I know I haven't been acting the way I should... And I've realized that you, Chelsea honey, are all that I've got. And if you have decided to spend the rest of your life with Zacky, then I don't think I can do anything about it,” she muttered quietly. It must have been really hard for her, really.

”Thank you, mom,” I said and flashed a smile.

”And I can't just not be a part of my grandson's life,” she murmured and kissed Liam's cheek.

”So are you really okay with the fact that Zacky and I are going to get married?” I asked. Her eyes went wide in shock and she swallowed hard.

”You're going to get married? Oh... I, uh... Yes, of course...”

”Mom,” I mumbled and sighed, ”You can tell me if you have a problem with that.”

”See, that's the point. I can't. Nevermind, it doesn't matter. I hope you have a nice Christmas as a family,” she said and forced a smile on her face as she put Liam down on his feet. The little guy started walking to the front door.

”Well you could come to our place tomorrow?” I suggested.

”No, no. I don't think that would be okay. You guys have fun,” she said and started pushing us towards the front door.

”Mom... Are you sure? It would be totally okay if you came over,” I said. She only shook her head as she pushed us out of the door.

”Merry Christmas!” she exclaimed with a smile and waved before closing the door.

After seeing my mom, we drove to Matt and Val's place. After that we went to Johnny's place and then to Brian and Michelle's place. And when we finally got home, I just wanted to go to bed and snuggle with my boyfriend. But once again, Zacky had other plans.

”Let's go to a bar,” he said and stopped walking. We had been on our way to the bedroom... I turned around and glared at him.

”It's Christmas. We're not going to a bar,” I said and rolled my eyes.

”Well, why not?”

”Because it's Christmas! We need to be here in the morning to open the presents!” I hissed.

”You're boring,” he said and crossed his arms over his chest.

”Look, it's our first Christmas together with Liam,” I said and took a few steps towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

”And I want us to be home. Maybe next Christmas we can got a bar or do whatever you want to do,” I murmured with a shrug.

”Fine.” He let out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me against his body.

”I don't understand why I always give in to you,” he murmured with a laugh.

”It's because you love me,” I mumbled as I leaned in to kiss him.

”That is very true,” he admitted against my lips, ”Now, let's get you to bed.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to make this extra long because of Christmas!