Can't Help But Wish

What a babe!

I rang the doorbell and waited (not so patiently) for a few seconds before someone opened the door. Of course it had to be Gena. Who was holding Liam. She was holding my damn child.
”Hi Liam!” I forced a smile on my face and took the child from her. I pulled him against my chest and looked up at Gena's face. For a split second there was a grimace on her face, but then she forced a smile on.
”Hi Chelsea,” She said.
”Hi Gena.” And then, for a second, we both stood there awkwardly staring at each other. Then I cleared my throat.
”Oh, yeah, come in. Everyone's already here,” She said and let me in. I walked in to the livingroom and saw a bunch of people sitting on the couches. Everyone turned to look at me and their faces lit up.
”Chelsea!” Everybody yelled and people rushed to hug me. I set Liam down and he ran away somewhere.
”I'm hungry,” Johnny whined after everyone had sat back down. I spotted Liam who was now sitting next to his dad on the couch (may I add that Zacky was looking extremely hot that day).
”Well, the dinner is ready,” Gena said and everyone rushed to the table.

We ate the dinner and after that everyone had a few beers. But I didn't because I had to drive myself home. Zacky went to put Liam to bed and I went outside with Val and Michelle (who was married to Brian or if you're a fan, Synyster Gates).
”Oh my god, you look so hot tonight,” Val murmured to me and I laughed.
”How much did you drink again, Val?” Michelle asked and laughed, too.
”I'm serious! I haven't seen you in a while, and when I finally do, I notice what a babe you are!” Val exclaimed.
”Val! You're married!”
”Oh, come on, Michelle. Don't you think she's absolutely gorgeous?” Val asked her sister.
”I have to admit,” Michelle said with a grin. And I had to admit, I was blushing so hard. I didn't really know what to say. Thanks?
”Just so you know, girls, you two are absolutely amazing and beautiful,” I told them.
”So? Have you met anybody?”
”A guy?”
”No,” I said, ”I'm happy with the one and only man in my life. Liam is all I need.”
”That's a shame, really, you know. You, Zacky and Liam would make an adorable family,” Michelle said and sighed, looking at the ground.
”Yeah! I miss you together,” Val agreed. Me too, me too. Isn't that just what I wanted to say, eh? But I couldn't because number one, I was at Gena and Zacky's place and someone could hear me and two, I was so over Zacky.
”Well... You can't have everything,” I said with a shrug.
”But you two were a perfect couple! Whatever the hell happened that made you break up, I'm sure you could get over it and get back together,” Val was now whispering and making sure no one heard her. ”You have a baby together!”
”Uh huh, I know.”

That's when Matt joined us. He took a moment to look at his wife who was leaning towards me and staring at me.
”Val, honey? What the hell are you doing?” Matt asked with a laugh. Then Val looked up at him.
”I'm telling my friend here that she should get back together with her ex boyfriend!”
”What? You're not talking about Chelsea and Zacky again, are you? Because I told you last time that they - ”
”Matt! They are made for each other! Just like you and I!” Val exclaimed, getting somewhat angry.

And that's when Zacky walked out to the back yard, too, joining the four of us.
”What's going on here? Why were you shouting, Val?” Zacky asked. He seemed to be really confused, which made him look much hotter. Okay, that's enough, Chelsea.

”I think we're going home now,” Matt mumbled and grabbed Val's hand, pulling her up. Val sighed but decided to leave with Matt. They walked into the house just as Gena walked out. Why did everyone have to come outside just when I was there?!
”Baby, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep,” She murmured to Zacky. Then they kissed.
”Goodnight,” Zacky murmured against her lips. Eww. Then Gena went back inside. Michelle followed her.

And then it was only Zacky and I alone. I swallowed and cleared my throat.
”So... Does Val really think we're made for each other?” Zacky asked then. Oh my god. He had heard her talking? ”Is that what you think too?”
”What? Of course not,” I muttered and looked away from him.
”I think I know you too well to know you're not telling the truth,” He said quietly.
”I am telling the truth...”
”Oh come on, Chelsea, I know you think so too. And... I think I think so too. I've realized it was a mistake to break up,” Zacky said.

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Oh hi everyone! I've got a few comments (from two lovely girls, majoji and, thanks very much!) and I would really love to get a few more!