Can't Help But Wish

What the hell is going on?

”So, what you're saying is that you don't want to break up. And you've been spending the past month at Matt's place because you still need space. And now you want to take me out next Saturday and make it all up to me?” I asked and cocked an eyebrow.

I had been spending the past hour and a half in my kitchen, talking on the phone with my (possible)boyfriend. To be honest with you, I had no clue what was going on between Zacky and me.

”Exactly. Do we have a deal?”

”I don't know... I'm not really sure if I want to go out with you,” I mumbled.

”Oh, come on, Chelsea. You're still my girlfriend,” he said, ”Please?”

”Ugh, fine...”

”Great, thanks. Val will pick you up at one,” he said.

”Wait, what? Why Val? Why at one? In the afternoon?” I asked quickly.

”Don't ask, it's a surprise!”

”Sounds suspicious...”

”I'll see you then. Make sure you sleep well that night. It's going to be a long day,” he said,

”Love you, bye!”

I had to admit that the phone call had been rather weird. And it had left me very confused. I shrugged the whole thing off my shoulders and went to pack Liam's stuff. He was going to stay the night with his dad, Val and Matt. And he seemed to be really excited. He kept running around his room and picking up toys that he wanted to take with him. Soon I realized that he wanted to take every single one of his toys with him...

Well, anyway, I was supposed to drop the kid off later that night, but since I had nothing else to do I decided to take him a little earlier... Like, five hours earlier. Zacky wouldn't mind it, would he? And I could spend some time with Val, too, and we could talk or whatever.

It surprised me how soon I found myself standing in front of Matt and Val's front door with my son. Liam kept knocking on the door and I asked more than a few times him to stop it, but he ignored me.

”That isn't even funny,” I told him and looked down at my kid who kept staring at the door with his wide eyes as he kept knocking on it. I decided to try it myself, you know, just to find out if it really was that amusing. I knocked a few times, until I realized that we must have looked like morons... Because they had a doorbell = no need to knock.

”Stop it, honey,” I said to Liam. Instead of stopping it, he slammed his fist against the door and started crying. I groaned and picked him up and that's when the door opened. I saw Val. And she looked... Surprised.

”Oh, Chelsea, hi!” she exclaimed loudly and cleared her throat.

”Hey! I decided to bring Liam a little earlier. Is that okay?”

”Uh, yeah...” She ran a hand through her hair, ”Uh, why is he crying?”

”He hurt his hand,” I said as Val reached towards me and soon Liam was in her hands. And he just kept crying.

”Could you give him a cookie or something?” I asked, ”Is Zacky here?”

”Uh, sure. He's... Somewhere, in the house, yeah...”

”Val? Is everything okay?” I asked.

”Yes. Just, stay here! I'll be right back!” she exclaimed, forced a smile on her face and walked into the kitchen with my kid. I stood there for a few seconds until I decided to go find Zacky and let him know that the kid was here already.

As I walked into the livingroom, I heard his voice... And a second later saw him sitting on a couch... With a woman – she was about our age, had a dark brown hair and she was hot as fuck! Seriously, she was really beautiful! And she sat next to Zacky and they were laughing. Oh my god, oh my god, what was going on?

Apparently Zacky had noticed me and he just froze completely. He stared at me with his wide eyes. Okay, I was starting to freak out. Why was everyone acting so weird around me?

”Chelsea!” Zacky exclaimed.

”Who is she?” I asked and pointed at the woman who seemed to be just as surprised as Zacky and Val had been.

”She's uh...” Zacky didn't get to finish whatever he was saying because Val ran into the room.

”Chelsea! Didn't I tell you to stay at the front door?” she hissed. Okay, seriously, what the hell
was going on?

”Who is she?” I exclaimed and couldn't really take my eyes off the woman because, first of all, she was seriously hot and because she sat next to MY boyfriend.

”Let's go, Chels. Let's go outside,” Val said and grabbed my hand.

”No. Somebody tell me what the hell is going on. Are you sleeping with her?” I shouted to Zacky.

”Chelsea!” Val exclaimed.

”Are you?” I shouted as I ignored Val.

What if he was? What if he really was sleeping with her? And Val and Matt knew about it and hadn't said a word to me! Oh my god! Shit, I was losing my mind. I had been left outside, everyone had known but me.

”I need to leave,” I mumbled and shook my head. I took a step back and almost stumbled on my feet.

”Chelsea, this really isn't what it looks like...” But I didn't pay any attention to what Zacky was saying. I needed to get out of there as soon as possible. I turned around and stumbled my way out of the house. I pretty much ran to my car and as soon as I touched the car door, someone grabbed my other hand and spun me around.

It was Zacky.

”Please don't touch me,” I muttered and pulled my hand away from his grip.

”Just listen to me for a second, okay?” he exclaimed.

”I don't want to hear it, okay?”

”Hear what?”

”That you've been... Sleeping with her, whoever the hell she even is!” I exclaimed.

”I haven't been sleeping with anyone! Don't you trust me at all?” he shouted and I took a step back, only to realize that my back was already against my car.

”You make it pretty hard to trust you when we don't even talk anymore, nor do we see each other!”

”I told you I would take you out!”

”Oh, wow! Really? That makes everything okay then!” I exclaimed, being extremely sarcastic which wasn't really what I did that often.

”Oh ha ha. Really, though, there's nothing to worry about,” he told me.

”Oh, okay, well have fun then and enjoy the rest of your life with her!” I exclaimed and shoved his chest, which made him grip my arms tightly.

”Just shut up and let me explain!” he exclaimed and I froze.

”You're scaring me,” I muttered and tried to pull my hands away from him, but he didn't let me.

”Well you're scaring me,” he told me quietly, ”You come here and cause a scene in front of everyone, in front of our kid.”

”I swear to god if you don't tell me who she is I won't ever talk to you again,” I muttered.

”I can't tell you. I would if I could but I really can't,” he said quietly and let go of my hands.

”So that's it?”

”In the end, you'll understand everything,” he said.

”Oh for fucks sake, I'm getting tired of this. We go months without talking and I find you with another woman and you just tell me that, ”In the end you'll understand blah blah.” What the fuck is this? Why are you doing this to me?” I exclaimed. Because, honestly, I was confused as fuck.

”Chels, calm down. You're making a fool out of yourself,” he said quietly.

”Well guess what? I don't care!”

”Stop shouting, please,” he begged.

”No! Not until someone tells me what the hell is going on and why I've been left out!”

”We can't, okay?”

”You're my boyfriend! We have a child together and yet you can't, you just can't tell me who she was?”

”I'm sorry, okay?”

”Sorry's not good enough,” I muttered and opened the car door, ”I'm tired of this. If you can't even explain to me what the hell is going on then I don't think I want to see you in a while.”

”Baby...” I felt his hand on my shoulder as I sat in my car.

”I'll pick Liam up tomorrow,” I muttered and left.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is propably the last time that I update this story in 2011! How sick is that? I can't wait it to be 2012 already - it hasn't really been a great ending to this year but I'm hoping the next one will be a lot better. I hope you all had a great year and I guess I'll see (or talk over the internet or something) you all next year!

Oh, and thanks very much for all of you who commented, much love babes!