Can't Help But Wish

Here we are again.

I couldn't be pregnant... But as I laid in my bed, still in the hospital, I realized that I had been late. I hadn't even thought about it then, but now I realized that I had been really, really late. Gosh, how could I have not realized that I had been missing my periods? I still couldn't understand how I had not noticed it. I mean, come on, I was a woman. It was a huge part of my life and when it suddenly was missing, how could I not notice?

Not only was I confused, but I was scared too. How could I be a mom to two kids? How could I get pregnant, not only once but twice, without even trying to? I swear I was never having sex again after the baby was out.

I did a lot of thinking while I was in the hospital, mostly because I had nothing else to do but lay in the bed. Zacky had been there with me for a while but then he had to go and take care of some things and I was left alone. I couldn't be left alone after some news like that. He couldn't just tell me, ”Oh, yeah, you're pregnant” and then go. And what did he have to take care of? ”Some things”? Come on, man, we had just gotten married the day before. He was supposed be with his wife all the time and not taking care of ”some things”, whatever that even meant!

When Zacky came to pick me up from the hospital (finally...) he was really quiet. We didn't talk in the car, not until we reached our house. He stopped the car but neither of us got out of it.


We looked at each other. He was biting his lip and looked really thoughtful.

”So... I don't know how we're in this same situation again,” I said quietly and shook my head slowly.

”The last time this happened, you broke up with me,” he said and laughed dryly.

”And here we are again,” I mumbled with a nod.

”But this is a good thing, right? I mean, we're now married, we make good babies, obviously, and we want a big family, don't we?”

”Well, yeah, but... It's just that you have no idea what it's like. I went through the first pregnancy without you and I can't say I enjoyed it. It wasn't nice and it won't be nice this time either. I'm going to get huge and look disgusting and you won't even want to touch me,” I said quietly.

He was quiet for a moment and just looked at me. Then he flashed a smile and grabbed my hand.

”I don't think it's even possible for you to look disgusting. And even if you were huge, I'd still have problems with keeping my hands off you,” he said and smiled. Aww, he was such a babe!

I couldn't help but smile.

”You're the best husband ever,” I said.

”Oh, I know. But believe me, we can do this.”

”Do you promise to rub my feet when I'm all swollen?”

”Oh my god, no, that's just gross... I'm only joking. Of course I will, babe,” he said and leaned in to kiss me.

”Thanks. Should we go get Liam home?” I asked as we got out of the car.

”Nah, he's propably asleep already. Why don't we go spend some alone time in the bedroom?”

He grabbed my hand and we walked into the house.

”Oh, by the way, I have a surprise for you. A wedding gift, kind of,” he told me as he closed the door after us once we were inside.

”What? What is it?” I asked, suddenly getting really excited. He had a grin on his face as he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me close.

”Well, we could go for a drive and I could tell you if you want to...” he mumbled and leaned in to kiss me. I licked his lower lip before he managed to (accidentally) bite my tongue. I groaned into his mouth and pulled away.

”Wasn't that smooth, Baker,” I murmured and couldn't help but laugh.

”I'm sorry,” he said and touched my lip with his thumb.

”I want to know what the gift is,” I said.

”I was getting there before I bit you. Do you want to go for a ride?”

”Sure... But why? Oh, oh, did you buy me a car? I don't really need a new one, though – ”

”Why would I buy you a car? How would that be a wedding gift for us?” he asked and cocked an eyebrow.

”Oh, I don't know, I just thought... Nevermind. Let's go!” I exclaimed.

”Yeah, but you need to drink and eat first. You have to take care of the little one, too, now,” he murmured and rubbed my belly gently.

”Oh, don't get too sappy.”


”So, uh, where exactly are we going?” I asked as I looked out of the car window.

It was dark outside and not that many people were on the streets as we drove to... Somewhere. I honestly had no idea where we were going to and Zacky wouldn't tell me, not even when I had begged him.

”We're almost there, just wait,” he said and patted my thigh. I snorted.

A few minutes later he stopped the car. And where were we? Oh, I had no idea. It was a normal street and there were lots of big houses and nice cars on the yards. But why were we here?

”Zacky... Where are we going?” I asked as I started following him as he started walking towards one of the houses. Oh my god... No... He couldn't have bought us a house, could he? No way!

”Zacky, you didn't... Did you?”

I was speechless.

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the front porch. The house looked beautiful. It was just amazing and huge! Gah, I didn't know what to say, really.

”I think I did,” he said and walked to the door.

He took out his keys and opened the door, letting us in. He pulled me into the dark, empty house before turning on the lights.

”This place looks amazing,” I mumbled as I looked around. I saw into the kitchen and oh my god, I had never seen such a beautiful kitchen (well, maybe in magazines but not in real life!) and I couldn't wait to cook something! Sadly, I was a horrible cook. But I didn't let that ruin my happiness!

”And the best part is that it's ours now,” Zacky said. I looked at him with a smile.

”Aww, but why did you buy this?”

”Because I wanted us to have a real house,” he said and ruffled my hair.

”What do you mean, a real house? We had a real house!”

”Well... Your place was a bit...”

”Was a bit what?”

”Nothing. We don't need to get into that now,” he said.

”No, tell me. What was wrong with my house?” I asked and crossed my arms over my chest.

Seriously, though, I had a nice house. It was perfect and most importantly, I had bought it with my own money.

”Nothing. It was... Nice. But I figured, now that we're having another kid, we might need a bigger place,” he said.

”Didn't you really like my place?” I asked and couldn't help but laugh a bit.

”Well... No, not really,” he admitted with a shrug.

”How could you not like it? I love that place!” I exclaimed.

”Oh, wow, wow, let's not get mad at anyone!” he laughed and put his hands on my cheeks and leaned down to kiss me.

”Fine. But I'm glad you bought this house. I've got so many ideas for the rooms! And, oh, the baby's room! Pink or blue? Or maybe green? Not yellow because that's sort of lame...” I trailed off as he pressed his lips against mine, propably just to shut me up.

He was the best husband ever.
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I'm always screaming my lungs out, 'till my head starts spinning, playing my songs is the way I cope with life!