Can't Help But Wish

This is amazing.

I was sitting on the floor in our new, amazing house. There were tons of magazines around me and the sun was shining outside and the whole house was quiet.

Ah, I loved being there.

The kitchen, even though I hated cooking, was my favourite place to be in. It was such a big, beautiful room that I never wanted to leave. I just wanted to sit there on the floor and look around the room and smile and drink a glass of wine and... Oh, right, I was pregnant. No wine for me, then!

Zacky and Liam were visiting Zacky's parents which gave me some much needed alone time.

At some point I started walking around the house and tried to decide what I wanted the rooms to look like. Of course it wasn't just my decision, but you know how men are. In a relationship, they never get to decide anything. And that's a fact, my friend.

I stopped in the baby's room and looked around the white, empty room for a moment as my hands went down to my stomach.

Wheee, I was going to be a mommy again! I would get to hold a tiny, cute, chubby human again. Liam would get a baby sister or a brother. Oh, I was getting really excited.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I furrowed my eyebrows as I started walking downstairs. Who could it be? No one knew we lived there... Right?

And then I remembered that they would be bringing the furniture (which we had bought earlier) into the house. I went to open the door and saw two handsome men outside.

”Good morning. Are you Mrs. Baker?” one of them asked me. I nodded.

”Yep!” I exclaimed with a smile.

”Great. We're here to bring your furniture in,” he told me and I nodded once again.

I decided it was best if I wasn't in their way so I went back into the kitchen and sat down next to my magazines. I watched as the men carried our couch into the livingroom. I really couldn't have been happier to move into the house! It felt like a new start for our family. A new baby, a new house, being married now...

”Mrs? I'm sorry to disturb. Where do you want us to put the bed?” one of the guys asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

”Oh, our bed? In the master bedroom,” I said, ”It's next to the bathroom, upstairs!”

Now, where was I? Right, being married. And, oh, Liam was such a big boy already. His birthday was coming up and he would turn three. And he had learned how to talk! He could say so many words that it actually amazed me how fast he had learned to talk so well. As a mother, I was really proud. Not only because he was an amazing kid but because I had kept someone alive and well for three years already. That was really something, right? And now that I was about to have another baby, I'm sure I could handle all my kids and husband and the house.

I could do it all.

When all the furniture were on their right places and the house didn't look so empty anymore, Zacky and Liam came home. Well, I guess it wasn't our home yet because all our clothes and other stuff were back at the old place, but you know...

I was still in the kitchen as they walked in.

”Hey!” Zacky exclaimed with a smile as he walked to me, pulling me into a big hug.

”How's my favourite girl?” he asked before planting a kiss on my lips. I chuckled into his mouth, wrapping my arms around his waist.

”Our house seems like a home now,” I told him, ”It's not just an empty house anymore.”

”Mommy, I need to pee.” I heard Liam's voice coming from the doorway.

”Aww, honey, that's okay!” I said with a smile as I saw the look on his face. He looked really confused and he was holding his butt with his hands.

”I'll take him to the bathroom,” Zacky said as he placed another kiss on my lips.

After they were gone, I sighed and looked out of the window. I was really happy. I felt like finally everything was in the right place and it all just clicked. I couldn't wait to start living in the new house and I couldn't wait to have a new baby and yeah, I was just really excited about everything!

When the day turned into night, we put Liam to bed and went into our new, big, beautiful bedroom. Zacky closed the curtains and the door. Then he looked at me with a smile.

”You look really beautiful,” he told me.

I was sitting on the bed and drinking some water from a bottle and I definitely wasn't looking beautiful at all. But I smiled anyway.

”Thanks, babe,” I said. He sat down on the bed and put his hand on my stomach.

”Is it kicking yet?”

”Uh... I don't think so,” I said and shook my head.

”But think about it. We're going to have another kid,” he said quietly as we laid down on our backs on the bed. He grabbed my hand as we looked up at the ceiling. I started playing with his fingers and let out a happy sigh.

”This is amazing. All of this. I love you so much. I love Liam so much. I even love this house already,” I mumbled.

”I love you.”

”We make a good family,” I whispered and looked to my side. Zacky was looking at me with a smile on his face.

”We do,” he agreed and nodded. Then he lifted his head up and reached closer to my face. He cupped my cheek with his other hand, the one that wasn't holding my hand, and kissed me softly.

”You're amazing,” he mumbled and smiled at me.

”And you're really sappy.”

”Ah, you ruined this fine moment, Chelsea!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, hey, hey! I've decided to finish this story really soon! :(

The biggest thank you ever to my oh-so-lovely commenters,
and majoji!

P.S. You can find me on tumblr as ansbbba!