Can't Help But Wish


Zacky and I walked back to my place. He was holding my hand the whole time and I couldn't help but actually kind of like it. It had been a while since someone had held my hand. Plus I liked holding hands. It was nice. We didn't talk much but I didn't mind. I liked being quiet, too. I just liked being with him.

When we got to my place, Zacky needed to use the toilet and I went into the kitchen to get some water. I couldn't say I was really drunk which, I think, was nice. I didn't want to be wasted. And when Zacky joined me in the kitchen, he was 100% sober too. I found this very weird because we had been drinking pretty much.
”D'you wanna go to the shower?” He asked and leaned against the doorframe.
”Er... Why?”
”Well because I wanna go to the shower with you before we go to bed,” He said with a shrug. Well, damn. How could I say no to him? I walked to him and grabbed his hand. I pulled him out of the kitchen and made my way into the bathroom. He was faster than I was and before I could blink he had already thrown his shirt to the floor. And that's when he kissed me somewhat passionately. His hands were on my hips and he was pushing me into the shower, even though I still had my clothes on. He seemed to realize that, too, because he pulled my shirt over my head and threw it away. We managed to undress each other before he turned on the water.

I can't say I didn't like having sex in the shower, but I don't think it was the most comfortable place, either. Because after that my back was aching badly and my feet were somewhat sore.

Or maybe it wasn't the shower. Maybe it was Zacky's fault. He was so damn aggressive while having sex. But I had to admit that I actually liked it. He was good in bed and he was good in the shower. He was also good on the back seat of his car and on the floor. Wherever he was, he was good.

And let me tell you something. Once you had sex with Zacky (well, I mean, once Zacky had made LOVE to you), you will always think that he is the best man in bed. Because that's the truth. I can't honestly say I know how many women he had had sex with, but I bet they all thought it was great. They'd wanna fuck him again. Believe me.

After the shower we went to bed. I just wanted to sleep, that's how tired I really was. All that sex and everything made me want to zone out right there and then. But Zacky seemed to have other plans. As soon as we'd gotten in the bed and under the sheets, he moved his lips to mine. His other hand was making it's way down between my thighs, the other one on my cheek. He bit my lip gently and I couldn't help but moan quietly.

After a moment I had to push him away.
”What's wrong?” His breath was hot on my lips. His face was only an inch away from mine and he was looking straight into my eyes. God, he had such beautiful eyes.
”I'm tired,” I mumbled quietly. He smiled softly and nodded. He kissed me quickly before rolling over on to his back. He laid next to me and grabbed my hand under the sheets.
”This is how it's supposed to be, Chelsea. We're supposed to fall asleep together, every single night,” He whispered. He was right. I know he was.
”Will you marry me?” He asked suddenly. Well, fuck.