Status: Reread before the beginning if you've read his before! SLOW UPDATES, HOWEVER ACTIVE :D

His Jealous Girlfriend.


I hadn't spoken to Justin much since he walked out of my house that morning. It was Monday and the final school bell was about to ring for hometime. It also turns out Justin's going back out with Abbey. Why? I have no idea whatsoever. He knows what she put me though, but I suppose he doesn't want to believe it.

I felt slighlty reassured that Sophie and Austin were walking with me, but I knew they wouldn't stop because those two were with me. I walked out the front door of school to see Justin and Abbey making out by the bike shed.

'I have to go baby, you know what my mum's like about me getting home. I love you, skype me later though yeah?' She said, running away.

I looked at Sophie and Austin who looked at me.

'You know what that means?' I said.

Justin looked over and saw me before walking home.

'Come on, lets get this over and done with.' I said, linking arms with Sophie who had already hooked arms with Austin.

When we arrived near the alleyway I saw Abbey's like watchers, run from the Alleyway sides, and run to the top where Abbey and her friends would be waiting for me. I turned to Sophie and pulled a face, while Austin was messing around on his phone. What was he doing?

'Well look what the cat draged in!' One girl said, making the others burst into fits of giggles.
'It's the skank trying to steal my beautiful boyfriend!' Abbey said.

Could someone explain to her I'm not even speaking to Justin, so how I could I possibly be stealing her boyfriend?

'If you have noticed Abbey, I'm not speaking to your so called boyfriend, so how am I going to steal him?' All Abbey's friends looked at me blankly.

'By acting all depressed and lost without him, you're trying to get his attention. It's a shame its not working, but at least Justin doesn't have to worry about you pestering him anymore.' Abbey explained.

'Pestering? Are you for real? I don't come anywhere near you two when you're together!' I shouted.

Abbey grabbed her phone from her bag and played a recording of a voice that sounded very similar to Justin's.

'It's so much easier without Lauren around, don't you think Ab? I can't believe she made up all of that stuff about you hurting her... I mean your not like that, she was a pest. I'm glad she's gone.'

I held back the tears. Was that even Justin?

I heard Sophie and Austin come up behind me and touch the small of my back as if to say 'we're here for you.'

'She brought her friends with her, what a wimp. Can't fight your own battles, eh?' Abbey said, winding me up.
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Wrote so much for this chapter! Next chapters drama!

LaurenBieber2010 xxx