Status: Reread before the beginning if you've read his before! SLOW UPDATES, HOWEVER ACTIVE :D

His Jealous Girlfriend.


I have no idea why she thinks I’m trying to get Justin’s attention. I rarely speak to him anymore, and because Justin is my best friend he knows I zone out a lot, so he doesn't think much of it I suppose. It’s not easy trying to get a word in edgeways when Abbey won’t stop talking when I do want to speak to him, but Justin doesn’t care about how much she waffles on. His head over heels in love with her, and when he does have the time to speak to me, all we speak about is Abbey.

I had other friends of course. I liked to think I had lots and lots, but they didn’t feel as special to me as Justin did. I didn’t feel I could trust them so much, and Justin use to make me feel like a princess
I remember the day when Justin spoke to me online all night. He told me he had seen the most beautiful girl in our school, and how he thought it was love at first sight. I thought nothing really of it till he told me he really liked her. I wanted to cry, but I wanted to smile. I felt so lost.

Justin seemed to forget about me when I told him to go after her. He sat next to her in every class and worked with her when we had to work in pairs. I was more heartbroken after every lesson we had. I was unlucky enough to be in all their lessons, and I had to act like I didn’t care. Abbey would run out after last lesson everyday, and make some excuse to Justin she had to shoot to get home, because her mum was so strict on her being home. I knew it was all lies. She wanted to hurt me, and it scared me about how much pain I would be in later. I had cuts and bruises all on my legs and knees, and some up my arms. Justin didn’t know gladly, as he never saw me outside of my uniform, which unfortunalty managed to hide them up quite well. Sometimes I just hoped he would ask to walk home with me and protect me. As always he just walked out of class smiling, and sometimes if I was lucky gave me a quick smile before leaving.

I tried to walk home as slow as I could, hoping with all my heart Abbey wouldn’t be there, but guess what?

She was there again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, there's no talking, but there is in the next chapter.
I wrote up to chapter five at two o'clock the other morning...
Soo yeah!

01/02/13 - Edited this chapter a little, it's a little shorter, but I hope its better :)

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LaurenBieber2010 xxx