Status: Finished :)

Taking Down the Sunrise

She got up from her desk quickly as the bell rang. Reaching the door without him, she turned back her head and said casually, "Aren't you coming, Severus? I know you love this class but... come on, dinner is in two hours and we have to do homework. Severus? Severus, would you please just move your ass?" She insisted, leaning against the potions room's door.

He stared at her as she gave him that look. A look that he would remember for the rest of time. It was the look she always gave him, the look she only gave to him. Her red hair blazed in the green light of the dungeons. Green eyes looked at him impatiently and almost looked right through him. But they would never look right through him and he knew that.

"Severus," She snapped, "I hate it down here. I will leave you down here, alone, in the dark of the dungeons with countless poisons and weird creatures of the night. I will leave you alone forever. Would you like that, Severus?"

A true smile spread across his lips, "No, Lily, I would not like that." He shoved his books off of the desk and into his book bag in one fluid motion. Throwing the bag over one shoulder, he slid off of his stool and joined the girl by the door, "It is the first day of classes though. I'm allowed to miss this place."

She laughed, "You're kidding right? No one, and I mean absolutely no one misses the dungeons of this school. I can't believe you have to sleep here every single night. Now take me back to the Gryffindor tower, please? I hate walking these halls alone."

"Of course, Lily," He said, linking his arm through his as they left the classroom. "There really is nothing to be afraid of down here though."

"You're talking to the wrong person. I'm one hundred percent unmovable on this subject," She stated firmly, leading the way out of the dungeon, "Talk to the Hufflepuff's if you want to scare the shit out of someone down here, Severus. It's completely idiotic to believe that you, of all people, would hang out down here. You're a good guy, Severus. So why on earth do you love the dungeons?"

He smiled at her and slid his hand down her arm until their fingers intertwined. Raising one eyebrow at her, he whispered, "Is the supposedly brave Gryffindor girl afraid to go for a walk in the dungeons with her best friend? Because that doesn't sound very brave to me."

She looked up at him with flawless green eyes and frowned. In a way, she knew he was right. There was no reason she should be afraid of him, nor should she be afraid of the dungeons if she was a Gryffindor. With a sigh, she conceded, "Fine. I'll go for a walk with you. But you should know that I reserve the right to bail at any and every moment of your little tour."

Nodding he turned them around in the direction of the Slytherin common room. She shifted closer to him nervously, grabbing his arm with both of her hands. He observed her scared expression and her shaking hands in one worried glance and stopped them in the middle of the hall. Turning to her, he said, "Lily, there's nothing to be afraid of down here. Nothing is going to hurt you."

"Are you sure?" She whispered, glancing around timidly, "It's... spooky."

"I'm sure," He murmured, pulling her into him. He kissed the top of her forehead lightly and then the bridge of her nose. His black eyes met hers in a frozen moment of time. Both of them were thinking the same thing, Are we really about to have our first kiss?

She closed her eyes, waiting for him to kiss her. He slid his hands down to her waist and leaned closer, relishing the feeling of her breath on his face. Their lips hesitated, just a whisper away from one another's, and at the same exact moment, both of them pulled away.

They shared a long moment before either of them moved again. The boy headed to the left, towards the Slytherin common room and down into the dungeons. The girl went the opposite way, towards the stairs out of the dungeons and the Gryffindor common room. They were from two different worlds, but they had always been best friends. They were from two different worlds, but he had always loved her. They were from two different worlds, but somehow, she had known this would happen.

Lily Evans & Severus Snape