Let's keep it simple.

When it starts

"Hurry up, Alli! Geeze, it doesn't take that long to put on clothes..." Jake said. He paced around the store outside of the dressing room. "I'm comin, don't get your draws in a twist..." I said back. I walked out of the dressing room and gestured to the poofy lime green dress I was wearing. "What about this one?" I said. Jake made a sick face and made gagging noises. "It makes you look like a walking lime!" he said. I sighed and yanked another dress off of the hanger. That was the eigth dress I tried on. He didn't seem to like any of them, no matter what they looked like. I was just about ready to give up. I zipped up my dress and walked out again. It was blue, poofy at the bottom. It was strappless with sparkles at the top. "What about THIS one?" I said with an attitude, turning around for him to see. He didn't say anything. I turned back around to look at him and waved my hand at his face. "Jake! Heller? Are you there, buddy?" I said. He blinked and cleared his throat. "Yeah, good. I like that one. It looks good on you. Brings out your curves..." he said. I laughed. "Okay, Jakina, your sure your a man?" I said and threw one of my Vans at him. I was actually flattered by his comment, but I didn't want the moment to be more awkward than it already was. I went in the room and forgot to close the door. I started undressing, and Jake coughed, "Uh, forgot something?" he said. I jumped and slammed the door. "God, Jake! You were just gonna stand there and watch me get dressed???" I said, blushing. "Well, that was the plan..." he said. I rolled my eyes. "Alli?" he said. "Huh?" I replied. "Well, uh, neither one of us has a date to the dance yet, and we both want one. So, I was just wondering if, you, uh, wanted to go as friends?" he said. I pulled my brush out of my purse and ran it through my hair, then opened the door to look at him. "Sure. I mean, if we're just going as friends, I guess it would be okay," He sighed and smiled. "Cool, cool. So I guess I'll pay," he said. He was just sweet in that kind of way. If I was going to go to the dance with nayone, I was glad it was him.
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3 comments and I'll keep going! I promise it'll get better :3